Favorite character

To ME, those were the funniest lines in the whole movie! If y’all

only knew how close those lines were to a REAL conversation I’ve had with a guy…it’s almost scary! There

REALLY are guys just like Needleman and Smitty out there; sure, they might LOOK a bit different, but you would

still notice a resemblence! I can SO picture those two going to the Monster World equivalent of Trekkie

conventions, with their own costumes and such, and Fungus would probably be with 'em!



liked Needleman and Smitty, but seeing Needleman, I think it was, playing Randall in that company play at the end

of the film…Makes me shudder every time I see it.

Some might call me crazy, but I think Roz reminds me of my

grandma. Both are old, always reminding me about stuff, and is just unpredictable.

Roz is scary at times, but I never expect her to be part of the CDA. I thought she was a bully to Mike, but

I guess Mike deserved it after he keeps forgetting about the paper work

Roz is great. It’s a tad creepy how she came out of nowhere in that one scene. I mean, imagine just minding

your own business and turning to come face to face with her! O__O Lol, she’s definitely one of the characters

which I’d prefer to stay on her good side. Mike does a horrible job of trying to stay on her good side. =P

Is it true that Roz has a good side? In the bloopers, she has a

sense of humor, but we rarely see her laugh or smile. She’s always in a grouchy, grumpy mood. Freaky, isn’t

it. Especially if you’re Mike

I think she’s just to serious. But then working as an undercover agent, one

has to keep a pretty low profile. Or just come off as unapprochable. Both appear to work for her, ne?


worked for a Principal for seven years who not only ACTED just like Roz(she even has that "My Way Or The

Highway" sign on her desk), but LOOKED like her, too, so you have no idea just how freaky it really



Janet Reno

was a principal at your school?!?!?! :open_mouth: :wink:

I am still trying to recover from

that one, Dash! I nearly lost a contact lens again, I laughed so hard! But no, this woman, the one I referred

to as “The Evil Principal”, was HUGE, and she was MEAN, and she had this obsession with paperwork that

was just scary! She has this perpetual scowl on her face, just like Roz, but did not have Roz’s sense of



To have a principal with Roz’ sense of humor wouldn’t be that bad . . .

Therein lay the problem…she didn’t have ANYONE’S sense

of humor, since she had no sense of humor at all! AND, she absolutely HATED animation; she would not allow

teachers to use any animated videos in their classrooms, not even on days like at the end of school, when we just

needed something to keep the kids occupied so they wouldn’t destroy the building out of sheer boredom and

restlessness! She actually formally “wrote me up” because I had two “tag-alongs” attached to

my purse, one of Stitch and one of Randall, because she felt that it was very “inappropriate” for an

adult, and a teacher at that, even the ART teacher, to have anything promoting “cartoons”, and that

this was indicating immaturity and irresponsible behavior on my part! The District Curriculum Director at that

time was at real odds with this Principal, and backed ME up 100%, defending animation as a legit Art form, so

there was nothing that the Principal could do about it, and she REALLY hated that! I actually painted several

blouses with my favorite animated characters at the time-Stitch and Randall-on the pockets, and wore them to

school, and there was nothing she could do about THAT, either!


What a bitter, bitter sad woman. :unamused: Obviously has some

childhood issues to work out or something.
Do you have any of the T-shirt art posted on DA?

Randall is my favorite all the way. Mostly for the reasons that have already been stated. But I always tend to

have a soft spot for the antagonist, mainly because I don’t think they ever have a real opportunity to reveal

their true character. Nowadays it just seems to be a whole black and white area :-/

Randall hands down for me.
Not only is he great in

character and always has this devinair style to his speech and movements, but also misunderstood.
Not to

mention out of all the characters, he still has a story to be told.

Exactly! Hence why there just HAS to

be a sequel, just for Randall’s sake!

Correct indeed.

Unsure if anyone stated this, but a turnaround for

Randall in the sequel would be a good finish to M.I.'s sequel.

Yes, it would, and that’s why I think that John Lasseter, rather than

Peter Docter, would be the ideal person to direct it, or at least WRITE it. Lasseter was the one who came up

with the “No Villains” clause, and he’d stick by it, and give Randall a chance to redeem himself and

show the world that there are two sides to every coin, just like he did with Lightning



True true…

And since Randall wasn’t technically killed in the

trailer, as far as we know, there’s still a possibility that he can return.