Therein lay the problem…she didn’t have ANYONE’S sense
of humor, since she had no sense of humor at all! AND, she absolutely HATED animation; she would not allow
teachers to use any animated videos in their classrooms, not even on days like at the end of school, when we just
needed something to keep the kids occupied so they wouldn’t destroy the building out of sheer boredom and
restlessness! She actually formally “wrote me up” because I had two “tag-alongs” attached to
my purse, one of Stitch and one of Randall, because she felt that it was very “inappropriate” for an
adult, and a teacher at that, even the ART teacher, to have anything promoting “cartoons”, and that
this was indicating immaturity and irresponsible behavior on my part! The District Curriculum Director at that
time was at real odds with this Principal, and backed ME up 100%, defending animation as a legit Art form, so
there was nothing that the Principal could do about it, and she REALLY hated that! I actually painted several
blouses with my favorite animated characters at the time-Stitch and Randall-on the pockets, and wore them to
school, and there was nothing she could do about THAT, either!