Favorite Color?

My eyes are a deep blue color, but I would loooove to have purpleee eyes.

Ooh, I would love to have purple eyes too! Purple is my favorite color ever.

Me too. I love blue eyes, but there is just something so mythical about Purple eyes.

I love blue eyes, and purple eyes are just AWESOME :smiley: ! But I also love dark, redish-brown eyes. There’s something so soulful about dark eyes, blue or brown. Really really green eyes are also cool. But my favorite is probably blue/silver eyes, because someone I love has eyes that color.

My eyes are hazel-green. I like it, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want dark blue or blue-silver eyes <3 .

Yeah, green and hazel eyes are adorable, but ive always had a thing for blue eyed girls. :smiley:

I have green eyes, and the eye colors I like the most on guys are brown and dark blue. I tend to like guys with dark features in general. A character I like now, Nelson, has blue eyes that are kind of a periwinkle shade.

Green followed by yellow.

It’s been like that for as long as I can remember.

Don’t you like purple?

I don’t dislike any colour so yeah, I like purple. So at times I will wear or use any colour.

I honestly can’t say it’s my favourite colour though.

I like robin’s egg blue and turquoise and seafoam and sometimes regular ole light blue. Previously I found blue to be a boring color, but now it’s so refreshing and elegant, and I like when it’s paired with vintage things.

This is perfection in my book!

As for colors I dislike, I don’t like brown or many dark colors.

^Darling shade of blue.

I was asking because of Randall.

Hands down, my favorite color is green. It’s just always been a unique and different color to me. I think my second choice would be purple, though. It’s just a cool color for some reason.

Blue and purple.

Blue — the color of the sky and sea. The color of creativity and imagination.

My favorite color/s would have to be either Yellow, Red or Orange. Warm colors. But Yellow is my ultimate favorite, hands down, especially that banana milk yellow! :smiley:

That’s a tough one! There’s a lot of colours I like, and others I like most when combined with others.

My ultimate favourite colours are purple and orange, for no particular reason.

And pink and yellow - but only when they’re together or combined with other colours, really.

I also like green and blue, and red.

My top favorite color would to be black, and my other favorites are:

Basically almost any natural colors :slight_smile:

Blue has always been my favorite from when I was a kid.

I’ve really been liking orange lately.