Favorite Color?

Me either.

Nope. I don’t need to wear pink to show how awesome I am. :-D) ;-p 8D :wink:

I never knew that adults thought that pink was a color that only women should wear until I wore a pink shirt. I thought people grew out of thinking like that when they became adults. But there have people people who were very vocal about the fact that I shouldn’t wear pink. :unamused: But they haven’t stopped me! :smiley:

I think it’s nobody’s business but that person. If you want to wear pink, more power to you. Personally, I am female, and I would NEVER wear the color pink. It’s gross to me.

I like pink in certain shades. But purple is my favorite.

Although I like the color pink on its own (in certain places), I’d never wear it, either!

Granted, I for some reason would never wears skirts or dresses, either. Obviously I’m not against them, since that’d be ridiculous. But you can’t make me wear anything explicitly feminine. :confused: Not sure why.

My favorite’s blue!

No, I totally agree. I was the exact same way!! Then recently, I started wearing skirts and simple dresses. Just not pink.

I used to have a pink shirt but not anymore.

^ same
Once at a church I VISITED thats how they mentioned me.

I literally love all colors. But my favorites are red, orange, and yellow. I can’t decide which is my favorite.

Question: Do you guys believe that your favorite color says a lot about you?

I use to be really into Astrology and other stuff like that. What your favorite color says about you, and what day you are born into. But not so much anymore. But it is an interesting thought!

I like green :smiley:

I also tend to like blues and, surprisingly, purples.

I like some shades of purple as well. When I was little I really liked purple, along with yellow and green, because of Larry-Boy. :laughing:

8D Awesome reason.

I don’t even need to say why my favorite colors are.

Ugh, pink is my least favorite color. I do like pink and black together, and I have an outfit like that. It’s a darker raspberry pink. I also like really light pink.

I agree, I hate the color pink. I just think it’s okay for other people to wear it.

I think Pink is an awesom color, but I won’t wear it if I had a choice.

What’s the best color combo for clothes or anything else?

Red+orange. <3