Favorite Part/Moment in "Monsters Inc."

“It scares little kids and little monsters!”

put that thing back where it came from or so help me bum bum bum
so help me so help me and cut

lol, i’m also hopelessly in love with the whole “ook-lay in the ag-bay” bit. fdasjkal; just. THE WHOLE MOVIE, OKAY.

Could you be more specific as to how pulling a practical joke is bullying? All I’ll say on the subject.

Surely someone must have seen some tiny bits of humor in my filmreel post? Someone? Anyone?


I saw it, Pricklepants. :slight_smile: Pretty weird, and in a good way. :laughing:

Don’t feel bad about it; I’m ignored quite often myself. :confused:

Pricklepants, I love this moment too! :smiley: And it looks really funny with Finding Nemo montage.

“Welcome to the Himalayas!!!”

Snowcone? XD

The ‘lemon snowcone’ joke cracks me up… 8D

Literally anything with Sulley and Mike doing Laurel and Hardy. Which is why I love the promos and interstitials for the film.

Also, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find the parts with Mike and Celia sickeningly cute.

I wouldn’t say sickeningly cute, but adorable. Bella and Edward are sickeningly cute.

Twilight is just sickening. Nothing cute or adorable about it.

Okay, Celia and Mike are sickeningly cute. Bella and Eddy–sickening.

When I think of a depressed teenage girl being lusted at by a creepy vampire, I think laaaaame.

He ain’t even creepy. He’s just a stick. Lestat is creepy.

Also, Bella being named Bella kills everyone who already held dibs on the name, like: Bella of Brockhall, Bellatrix Lestrange…

I love the moment at the end when the door is put back together, and Sulley goes into Boo’s room, and she says “Kitty?”

Me too, it’s the perfect ending!

I like the chase scene when their going through all those doors. When their all the Himalayas. and the ending.

Here are some of my favorite scenes so far:

  1. “All you had to do was listen to me just once! But you didn’t, did you?! You’re still not listening! AHHHHH!!!” :laughing:

  2. “Mike, this isn’t Boo’s door.”

    “Boo. What’s Boo?”

    “That’s what I decided to call her. Is there a problem?”

    “Sulley, you’re not supposed to name it. Once you name it, you start getting attached to it. Now put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!..”

  3. The scene where all the kids are saying, “Mike Wazowski!” over and over again, and then one of the kids bites Mike Wazowski’s hand, causing Boo to laugh.

Okay, that’s about all I can remember right now…these scenes are really very funny! And they make me laugh every time, those ones.

^Those are all fantastic scenes!

The scene that always gets me a laugh, everty time is, the ‘Put that thing back, or so help me’ scene.