Favorite Pixar Parent?

Violet Nirvana- Yeah, it’s extremely hard to choose between them. They’re both great parents.

Pixarfan91- Maybe they don’t hate them. It’s probably just because they’re not as prolific (hope that’s the right word) as the other parents. Because their good, too.

Coral and the Queen aren’t really very important. Heck, it’s Coral’s fault the other eggs die and Nemo loses one of his fins. And the Queen just doesn’t contribute to the plot much other than to make wise-cracks. Just my opinion, though.

Yeah, I hate to sound like I’m just agreeing with the people above me, but I could never choose between Bob and Helen Parr. :stuck_out_tongue: Yes, Bob has character faults blah blah blah. They’re my “favorites” for sure. Followed by Marlin. <3

Coral was actally technically NEVER a parent.

8D That is technically true.

My favorite is Andy’s mom!

I’m surprised so many people voted for Marlin. Didn’t know he had fans! My favorites are Helen Parr and Sulley.

Sulleys a parent? I see him as a “babysitter”. He really never fathered Boo.

I see him as a father figure of sorts.

I still don’t see how he’s on thw list even has a father like figure.

Sulley is sort of a parent though. Especially because we don’t see her real parents. Sort of like Carl and Russell.

I kind of see why though, because he goes such a long distance for Nemo. I like him a lot. But, my favorite, would be, Helen Parr. :stuck_out_tongue: Really Bob is my favorite too, but as I’ve been told before, he doesn’t “deserve” to be someone’s favorite. But, he is one of mine for sure. :blush:

Wonder if Merida’s parent’s will make my list.

This is quite hard, but i’ll pick Helen Parr.

Bob Parr is my favorite with Helen coming a very very close second.

Milan, I love you. 8D

I picked Helen :slight_smile:

I would put Bob second though :slight_smile:

Awesome choices.

Thank you. 8D

You are awesome!! Man, I am loving you guys right now. :mrgreen:

Helen and Marlin are my favorite Pixar parents. I’d rather have Helen as a parent than Marlin, though. 8D But I love him a lot as a character.

Great choices^^.

I would love to have Helen as a mom!! :smiley: That would be great.