Favourite 'Family Guy' Quotes

I don’t watch “Family Guy” very often, but I have heard the word.

lennonluvr9 - I have taken on your challenge of calling someone a fizzle. And that Count line is the funniest. I also like this similar quote of Brian’s when they visit Brown University:

Chris: “Ha-ha-ha! Brown is the color of poo.”
Brian: “Yes. Yes it is.”

Haha! Awesome! I might just call someone a fizzle too just as an experiment!

Peter: We do not want to tell Cleveland. That’s the last thing in the world we want to do…(sometime later) Well, that’s it. We’ve done everything in the world there is to do.

Chris watching a Blankity-Blanks-type TV show:

“Forgetful Freddy was so forgetful that whenever he tried to remember someone’s name, he drew a blank.”

Oh yeah! I loved that! That was actually a perfect spoof of the 1970s version of Match Game, which I sometimes catch on Game Show Network. That actually makes me think of a Price is Right one, but I cant repeat it here :wink:

Peter: What’s heaven like?
Nate Griffin: It’s fine. There’s a shortage of chairs
Peter: oh.
Nate: yeah…

Peter- Louis, when have we never communicated??


Louis- I love you Peter!

Peter- Ehh, about a quarter past 4.

“If gays want to be miserable like the rest of us, then I say we should let 'em.”-Peter

I love when Peter’s on the Wheel of Fortune!

Peter: “Z. 4. Q. Another Q. Uh. . . A third Q. And a Batman symbol.”

rofl That’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on Family Guy!!!

Later. . . Peter: “How much for the fat guy in the circle. I don’t see a price tag on that.”

Wheel of Fortune dude: “That’s you.”

Peter: “Oh, embarrassing.”

“I’m so hungry I could ride a horse.” - Chris

Overused in the TBS commercials, but I laugh every time.

And the “You’re nothing but a big phooonnnyyyy!” guy. Gotta love that.

Here’s a fun one from the Christmas episode (gotta love Joe and his enthusiasm!)

Joe: YEAH! Alright, let’s go wassail!!

A few from the latest season… all from Peter.

Louis: “Peter, are you gay?!”
Peter: high pitch voice “Guiltyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!”

Peter: (to Brian) “Sometimes… I don’t believe I know you.”

Peter: (After watching someone on TV) “Good for you… good for you.”

They’re my favourite because of Seth McFarlane’s delivery.

Tom Cruise: You can’t catch me, gay thoughts!

Lois: Please… we can’t take any more schtick.

Lois: Peter, if you shock me, I swear to God, I’m gonna leave you.

Brian: “Now insert Rod Support A into Slot B”. And if you say ‘that’s what she said’ one more time, I’m gonna pop you.

Dr. Hartman: Hmm, 29 lbs; that’s big for your age.
Stewie: Well, forgive me for not being one of those anorexic babies from the diaper commercials.

Lois: I am very upset with you right now.
Peter: Okay, so I tried on your bra. The fellas were putting on a show. I didn’t think I’d make a good Gigi either, but God help me, I was flattered.

Peter: I don’t know where he went. I just asked him to buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks.
Brian: I don’t care if he ever gets back. (beat) I wasn’t being cute; I really hope he’s dead.

Peter- “Ten die in train de-railment, OMH Louis, that is morbidly obese.”

Peter- Common’ Louis, when have we even miscommunicated?

FLASHBACK Peter and Louis standing at a sunset

Louis- I love you Peter

Peter- Ah, about a quarter past 4. hahaha

Lois: Peter you are so immature! Sometimes it feels like i’ve married a child!
Peter: Oh yeah Lois? If Im a child you know what that makes you? a pedophile!

XD serious ownage there!


House. Roadhouse. :wink:

Peter: Darn government, won’t let me build a pool on my own land. And after my grandfather helped create one of this country’s most beloved cartoon characters.
Animator: OK, we’ve narrowed it down to two possible names. All in favor of Bugs Bunny?
(everybody except Peter’s grandfather raises their hand)
Animator: And, all in favor of Efrum The R______ Rabbit?
(Peter’s grandfather raises his hand)

I didn’t know if that word was appropiate here, so I censored it.

Peter: I am so glad Brian brought us out here, Lois. He’s a real pal, you know that?
Lois: Well, it’s actually Brian I need to talk to you about.
Peter: Boy, he’s a hell of a guy, isn’t he? He’s the one guy I know I can trust.
Lois: Brian tried to have sex with me.
Peter: …Was he bigger than me?


Rebel: I think we’re doomed!
Jim: Nah. Unless they’ve got any big, giant robot camels, I think we’re OK.
Rebel: Ah, Jim… robot camels.

LMAO I love that scene!

Peter: “Have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard”