Flare's Burning Region: Priceless Flight - Mastercard Ad

I think this would be my first fan video submission for these forums. This was just something I made for the sake of making a video related to Up. It was a bit tedious to make with certain aspects, but as always, it seems all worthwhile and enjoyable in the end.

Hope you would enjoy.

I saw it dragon. I assume that your voice was in the back narrating. It was really nicely done and funny. I loved it.

Yep. That was me. :slight_smile: Glad you like it, TSS. :smiley:

Expect more vids to be posted here in this thread in the future.

I can’t wait to see them Dragon. :wink:

That was cute. :smiley:

:laughing: Cute… Thanks, rachelcakes1985. I hope it was the voice. xD

Welllll, I was talking about the general concept, but I like your accent, too. =)

That was pretty cool. I could actually see them using that in a real MasterCard commercial.

lol Thanks, lennonluvr9. Glad this is still grabbing attention. :sunglasses:

This be a boost a confidence! I must work extra harder to make greater artistic work for the forums! :whip:

Quite good, Flare! I like your take on the Mastercard ads, reminds me of the fan-made Ratatouille one. A few questions: What editing program did you use? How’d you get the balloon to move in the logo ‘title card’? And what was the music track you played in the background?
At first I couldn’t distinguish your accent, but when you said “Repairs for Damaged Company Van”, I instantly knew you were M’sian ‘lang’. Your profile just confirmed it. :wink:
Well, great work! Looking forward to more from you.

Yay! thedriveintheater commented on my video! Now I really must do make something even more awesome for the forums! ;-p

Alright, first off, the program I used. It is Premiere Pro CS4. Quite a nifty fellow there. A lot of useful tools for me to use. However, there are still quite a number of functions I am not familiar with, rendering its true beauty and potential untapped by a… semi-pro like me. :laughing:

I believe you are referring to the balloon at the end of the vid? That was actually found off Google. The MasterCard logo on the balloon was there already in the first place. All I had to do was mask it out using Photoshop (also CS4, but not the ‘Extended’ one), import it to Premiere Pro, then place it at the end of the video, before finally applying the ‘Push’ effect (which is the effect used most in the production of the video) on it.

As for my accent, it is actually that of a Singaporean. Hence, my supportive statements of the Asian races in that “2 Women Fight In Singapore Bus” thread in the Off-Topic forum. Not sure why my profile confirmed a Malaysian race to you, though (must be those strange writing I copied from Dictionary.com)…

Oh, and as for the music track? It is Track #2 of the Up soundtrack, “We’re In The Club Now!” :smiley:

Thanks again for commenting, thedriveintheater! I’ve seen your work and I love them very much, so it is kind of an honor for you to post here. :laughing:

Do expect more work coming from me in the near future. I’m currently working on a fan fiction, however, so no video works… yet. Nevertheless, watch this thread for possible upcoming works from me! You won’t be disappointed… I hope. xD

Whoops, so you’re a ‘Spore’-rean, huh? My bad. Well, I know you’d beg to differ, but we’re just separated by a body of water and linked by two causeways (and if my dopey prime minister had it his way, many more bridges to come), so we’re not that much different, are we? :slight_smile:
Good luck on your work. It’s an honour to be admired, if that makes sense.

Yeah, it does. :stuck_out_tongue:

See you around, fellow M’sian. :wink:

That was very nice! It could’ve been a real commercial! I like what you gave prices to. It’s so clever. It makes me want to see more commercials like that, with movies in them. Good job!

Thanks, bright dot-dasher. :slight_smile: I was kinda worried that those prices might differ from my opinion of the accurate prices those items have, but I’m glad it works out.

Glad you enjoy it. Expect more works coming from me soon, especially with this addition of another comment!

I have thought of what my next video project might be. It would be a Cars tribute, considering the three year anniversary. :wink: Expect that real soon.

Hehe, nice. The quality of some of the clips were a bit blurry, but it couldn’t be helped. I liked the use of the clip at the end (ditch 'em), pretty clever! :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, chef is Malaysian, just thought I’d point that out.

Also, I love the score so much, and the track for the video was pretty much ideal. Nice choice. I haven’t gotten the soundtrack yet, but I plan on it (I wanna buy it, help out Pixar and whatnot,…). It’s a shame it’s not on CD, I signed the petition. Only 126 signatures so far, help us out! :stuck_out_tongue:

Again, good job Dragon

oh snap…dude, you’re really pissed me off…i try to be cryptic here, hello~

lol Thanks, ffdude1906 for watching. About the score, the first time I heard it, I knew it was the most suitable score for my video. It was just perfect.

Have you checked out my latest video, yet? The one with the Transformers spoof in it? Here’s the link if you still can’t find it:

Hope you would drop a comment or two, be it bad or good. I just want to read some views about it. That’s all it will take to make me satisfied. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for watching again!

~ Flare

one of 'em…do you have ‘Up With End Credits’ score? if you do, please, please, pleaseeeee upload it on rapidshare…i need it badly. the only track i don’t have in the soundtrack… :frowning:

I don’t even remember where I got that Track #2 of the Up soundtrack. I will try and find it (it’s most probably from imeem), but I can’t guarantee anything. :frowning:

~ Flare