Flight Of The Wall-E Bee - 90 second short with Wall-E

Hello all,

This is my first post here. I want to share with you a 90 second video I created that shows Wall-E trying to have a nice evening playing piano on the magic piano from hell. It features an all robot cast with the Wall-E iDance robot as the star along with his trusty sidekick Roach. It also includes Elmo driving a car, Eve zapping crazed flying robots, and an homage to Steven Spielberg’s E.T. near the end. With great pleasure I bring to you:

Flight Of The Wall-E Bee

I’ve got some more coming in the near future. And of course, Wall-E and Pixar rock!


First off, let me welcome you to PIxar Planet.

Secondly, I saw your video and I have gotta say that you made my eyes glued to the screen and my jaw dropping. What I saw was absolutely amazing. Holy cow, it was a combination of intensity, humor, randomness, a little action, and WALL-E. Very nice video.

I am really impressed 5/5 stars. You can not get any more creative and original with that.

Welcome to Pixar Planet, roschler :slight_smile: .
I just saw the video, and it was hilarious. :laughing: It was really random, and amazing how you did it. I am for sure going to watch that over and over again. What a crazy and entertaining video! :smiley:

Woah… :open_mouth:
That was…trippy.
In a good way, I mean. I liked the use of stop-motion and greenscreen techniques. Like the rest said, it’s very non-sequitur.
But I liked it. And welcome to the Planet! :slight_smile:

That’s so crazy but it’s so amazing! How long did the stopframe take you?


Hey everyone,

A big thanks for all the kind comments!

Re: stop-frame

I assume you’re referring to the mouth and tooth movie scene, seen in the background, after Wall-E enters the Space Monkey’s mouth? I can’t take credit for that. That came from a movie called “Munchers”, which was created to teach kids about Dental Hygiene. It’s in the public domain so anyone can use footage from it. I simply used it as the background for that “Inside the Monkey’s Mouth” scene. Here’s a link to the full movie if you want to mix it in with your own films. (The Incredibles Meet The Munchers?):

Munchers - public domain movie

  • roschler