Forum community project

You were anticipating actual size? :stuck_out_tongue: A bigger drawing means better detail.


PV - Puh-ha!! Actual size… :laughing:

– Mitch

So sorry guys! I’ve really been MIA for a while huh. Between allergies kicking my butt and school starting I haven’t been participating on the forums as much as I should have been. Things are settling down so I should be around more.
So how’s everybody’s letters going? I understand that for most of us school has started so there’s no rush on these. Mine’s only about half done, but with my nights open I should get it done eventually.
And thanks again to those participating, or who have already posted. :slight_smile:

Hey I did mine. x3

S is for Slinky

Sorry for the bad coloring. =P

Here’s the photobucket link- [url][/url]

I think you did a really great job on Slink FONY! He looks really cute! Nice, incredible work!

FONY: You’re piece is up there in the original post. Well done!

That is quite adorable, FONY. Heheh. :wink:

– Mitch

Thanks guys! :smiley:

FONY - You are most welcome! You should draw Slinky more often. :wink:

– Mitch

So welcome my friend!

Can’t wait for the next letter!

Haunt : I finished my “W” drawing yesterday, and I gave you the link to it via PM. I was just wondering if you got it, since I saw you connected on the forum and you didn’t update the original post :wink:

I will take the letter “N” if that fine with you haunt

Archibald: Yeah, sorry about that. I was running yesterday. I saw it, but culldn’t squeeze in the post. Yours is up now. It’s so cute!

nightwheel: Your name is now added. Have fun!

Mitch: I actually have a strange habit of doodling Slinky a lot, but I never posted a drawing before. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, I was thinking after this project’s over, we should do the same again but it has to be a character not used in the first project. Just a thought. :wink:

Archibald - Your WALL-E drawing is absolutely adorable! I love it. :slight_smile:

Haunt - Just to let you know, you misspelled “Slinky” on the first page of this thread. It’s a minor error, but I just thought I should mention it. :wink:

FONY - Really? Haha. How ironic…

– Mitch

Don’t worry about that :wink:

Thanks Mitch :slight_smile:

Mitch: ANNT: From now on all slinky dogs shall henceforth be called slicky dogs! Make a note of it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks buddy. Occasionally my alter ego The Typo Queen takes control of the keyboard. Oh what’s a girl to do.

Haunt - Haha. No problem! I’m sorry I’m so critical at times. Heheh. :stuck_out_tongue: :blush:

By the way, may I grab the letter ‘X’? I’d like to take a shot at it. :wink:

– Mitch

It might take me a while because I’ve never posted mt artwork on-line, but…
Does anybody mind me taking B and maybe U? I don’t know why but, I think I could do something with those

Mitch: You’re on the list. I’m interested to see what you have for us.

MiniChuchan: Take your time. If you need help uploading your art, just ask us. There are a lot of artists here who are always willing to lend a hand.
And you can take either one of those letters, but only one at a time. Let me know which you’d like to do the most.