“Harry Potter”
…56 translations later we get:
“The Philosopher’s Stone”
…56 translations later we get:
“The Chamber of Secrets”
…56 translations later we get:
“The Prisoner of Azkaban” (Didn’t change)
“The Goblet of Fire”
…56 translations later we get:
“Fire and the roller.”
“The Order of the Phoenix”
…57 translations later we get:
“Cao Flamanskym Phoenix”
“The Half-Blood Prince”
…20 translations later we get:
“Prince mystery” (This one was very surprising, as the stupid title that Spanish editors gave to the sixth book was actually El Misterio del Príncipe , or The Prince’s Mystery )
“The Deathly Hallows”
…56 translations later we get:
“Marriage end.”
July 24, 2011, 5:04am
Here is the celebrity edition!
Elvis Presley
Aierveisi Puleisili
Basil Rathbone
Luolelasi Times
Don Knotts
Guest Chat
Lady Gaga
Egg yolks
Johnny Depp
By (foreign symbols)
Elton John
Powder (foreign symbols)
Judy Garland
Errol Flynn
Peter Falk
This press (foreign symbols)
“Star Wars”
…56 translations later we get:
“Star of word”
“The Phantom Menace”
…56 translations later we get:
“Attack of the Clones”
…56 translations later we get:
“Star gangway episode II, attack of the copy.” (Yeah, this really happened)
“Revenge of the Sith”
…56 translations later we get:
“A New Hope”
…56 translations later we get:
“New Hope.”
“The Empire Strikes Back”
…56 translations later we get:
“Empire Strikes Back.”
“Return of the Jedi”
…56 translations later we get:
“100 Sea.”
July 24, 2011, 6:36pm
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Shopping Wan Kenobi
Darth Vader
By Vader
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skivolker
Qui-Gon Jinn
Darth Maul
Das Hammer
Something really freaky happened! I put in my aunt’s name, and the result was my uncle’s name (her husband) with their last name spelled slightly differently.
“The Hobbit”
…56 translations later we get:
“The Lord of the Rings”
…56 translations later we get:
"“The Lord of the rings’”
“The Fellowship of the Ring”
…56 translations later we get:
“Apartment community.”
“The Two Towers”
…56 translations later we get:
“The Return of the King”
…56 translations later we get:
“I came back.”
July 25, 2011, 7:16pm
I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.
He refused.
Toto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.
I think we are in Kansas.
Here’s looking at you, kid.
Children must be able to go.
Bond. James Bond
Doc Sibang 詹姆 Links
There’s no place like home.
His home.
Round up the usual suspects.
What is the solution.
You’re gonna need a bigger boat.
You need a lot of boats.
I’ll be back.
Elementary, my dear Watson.
Watson, a few minutes.
“Pirates of the Caribbean”
…56 translations later we get:
“Pirates of the karibbean”
“The Curse of the Black Pearl”
…56 translations later we get:
“Pirates of the karibbean” (Don’t know how, but that’s what I got)
“Dead Man’s Chest”
…56 translations later we get:
“If you saedeulhaneun.”
“At World’s End”
…56 translations later we get:
“On Stranger Tides”
…56 translations later we get:
July 25, 2011, 8:35pm
The Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe.
The Lion the witch and the leaves
The voyage of the dawn treader
Raiders of the lost ark
In the event of loss.
The temple of doom
Back to top bankruptcy
The last crusade
Post Crusader
The kingdom of the crystal skull
Crystal Skull
The Bourne Identity:
The Bourne Supremacy
Supreme Court
The Bourne Ultimatum
…56 translations later we get:
Wow, my thread game has been revived, thanks internet.
“Jack Thompson is the biggest moron in the world and he’ll probably try and sue me after he reads this”
50 translations later:
“Jack Thompson, it is difficult to explain the world can not lose.”
Actually, it isn’t difficult. The world (A.K.A peaceful gamers like me) haven’t lost this battle he’s declared on us trying to ban video games. He got disbarred, therefore it is difficult to explain the world CAN lose, to him that is.
“The Hound of the Baskervilles”
56 translations later:
“Tourism, however”
Tourism? Funny, I love how most of the time the translation is something completely unreleated.
August 1, 2011, 6:30pm
Haha! I did the rest of the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes movies.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock crown and courage
Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror
The noise and fear of the goalkeeper
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
Factor in a secret weapon
Sherlock Holmes in Washington
Washington spent most of Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes faces death
The Spider Woman is the same
The Scarlet Claw
Red face
The Pearl of Death
Pearl is dead
The House of Fear
Terrorist government
The Woman in Green
Pursuit to Algiers
Profile of Algeria
Terror By Night
O Terror
Dressed to Kill
Although kg
“The Dark Knight Rises”
…56 translations later Google gives us:
“The Dark Nate.”
August 2, 2011, 4:28pm
I didn’t think my friend Nate was that dark!
Batman Begins
Yes, I had to do this eventually.
…57 translations later Google gives us:
“For і said.”
^ You asked for it
“Great, Thanks for Share this…”
…56 translations later Google gives us:
"Well, thank you …
“Paste Your Text Here”
…56 translations later Google gives us: