George and A.J.

I loved this short for how ridiculous it was. Part of me wants this in 3-D Animation, but some of me doesn’t, because I think it might ruin part of the unrealistically funny gags. I loved the running joke that the car gets damaged in some way every time too. I wish they had this on the Special edition on Up. :frowning:

…But since they don’t, I can get a copy off of youtube. :smiley:

I have finally gotten to watch this short, and it’s pretty hilarious! :laughing: I like the fact that Pixar is doing some 2-D shoert films, along with the 3-D ones, too! :slight_smile: I feel sorry for George & A.J., they must’ve needed therapy after this. :stuck_out_tongue: The only problem I have with this is that…it’s only iTunes!!! :imp: Geez, I didn’t think Disney was this cheap to us, by putting this on iTunes, instead of putting it on either the DVD or blu-Ray! All well, though, at least I can watch this on YouTube. :smiley:

I’m not sure yet, but i’ve been told that in the european edition (at least the italian one, due for release next week) of the Blu-ray George & A.J. is included as an easter egg on the second disc.
Do you know about any other edition that has the short included?

EDIT: I got now the blu-ray, and can’t find George & A.J. ;_; i suppose it isn’t there…

I love that short, especially the stuff on the news ticker!

Haha, that was amazing! One of Pixar’s funniest shorts yet! I like the 2D style, it actually works much better in the Up world than I’d expect, and the story ties in perfectly with the film. Shame it costs so much and is only available on iTunes, though.

In case some didn’t know, supposedly this will be on Pixar Short Films Collection Volume 2! It’s good. For some reason I didn’t think this one counted as one of the “actual” Pixar short films, more like something like “Exploring the Reef” or “Mr. Incredible & Pals” or “Buzz Lightyear Mission Logs”. It’s not even listed on the new Pixar website (as of this second, maybe it will be later?). It’s funny though, too bad it didn’t use the same voices though, but still good.

Finally got a chance to see it on the Pixar Shorts Vol 2. And it was okay I guess. I think I would have liked it better if it wasnt done in that animated storyboard type of style.