Hannahmation's Art

Remember that short film I posted back in December? Well, it’s finally finished! Revamped my short film for the Merit Scholarship competition at my school. There’s still a couple minor things I want to fix but didn’t have time to before the application was due.

I added a scene, addressed some continuity issues that popped up, touched up some textures, and added Maya’s Physical Sun and Sky for the lighting.


It looks a lot better now, worth the extra time to get it looking more polished

Thanks St_Jons. :slight_smile:

Time for another update.

Here’s two of the animations I did this past semester. I’ll post more at a later date.

You Stole From My Kin:

Just Dance:

Great work, Hannahmation! I preferred 'Just Dance ’ to ‘You Stole From My Kin’, because it’s more ‘fluid’. No ‘slipping’, no still poses, everything just works great! I think you need to work a little more on your inbetweens, but I really liked how the character in JD lead with his feet (reminded me of Linguini). Did you do JD after YSFMK?

And is the dialogue for YSFMK from a movie? I remember we were given a line from Mrs Doubtfire for one of our animation exercises. :slight_smile:

Nice work, I think Just Dance is great, especially the bit before the music kicks in, some really nice animation there.

During the dance something feels a little off with the hands, can’t quite put my finger on it though.

I hope to enter some of the 11 second club competitions now I have finished uni. Have you watched my final university piece hannahmation? It would be great to get some feedback. Theres a thread with the link in this section of the forum, but the site is www.thetaleofthetoupee.com

Thanks for the feedback TDIT! Yep, I’ve been working on my breakdowns and inbetweens since that first piece. And yes, JD was after YSFMK. I have two more animations from the semester that I’ll be posting too. Then you can see my full progression. The dialogue is from Oh Brother Where Art Thou. Good movie.

Thanks St_Jons! The hands are a bit off because they aren’t fully animated so you are probably noticing how stiff they are. I ran out of time, but plan on going back to address that this summer now that I have more time.

I will check out your piece and comment back in your thread! :slight_smile:

Another update!

I’m Alright:


Wow, both animated pieces are fantastically-done! Nothing to criticize here… where’s the audio from ‘I’m Alright’ from?

guilty is very nice, especially facially. I feel the arm that puts the cookie back needs a slightly smoother arc. Something feels odd, is there an extra key hiding in there?

Also, and don’t take this as a criticism since what you have is great, but I think it might be nice to take the arm back slower, let him dangle the cookie above the plate slightly and then drop it with a bashfull type look on his face.

Again this is not to do with what you have done, more a comment on what I personally feel would improve an already good piece

Thanks so much, TDIT! :smiley: It’s from a 1930’s film called ‘A Marked Woman’.

Thanks for the feedback St_Jons! There’s actually a lot I wanted to do with ‘Guilty’ but I was working with a 100 frame limit, which was a fun challenge. There might be some odd key hiding in the arm. I’ll have to go in and check it out. The dangling the cookie part is a good idea. :slight_smile:

Woohoo, new animations! This should be a treat to watch! :smiley:

Your Barnyard Mayhem short is funny and cute, and looks improved, definitely, since last time. I like the mumbly “uh-oh” when he looked up. :laughing:

I especially like the way you animated at “That don’t make no sense!” in “You Stole From My Kin”. The body language to it was great.

I really like the “Just Dance” one. The expression change was perfect! From the nervous to the “okay,here we go, I’m doin’ it…” to the relaxed enjoyment. Nice! :slight_smile:

The “I’m Alright” is nice and interesting, too. The expression and movement is great. I like the eyebrows lightening up and the eyes going downcast for the woman when the man asks “For how long?”

Ahaha! The “Guilty” one is adorable and the expression change is perfect and priceless! It’s all like “Awwww…fine, I’ll put the cookie back. Sigh.” :smiley:

Excellent progress and work here, Hannahmation!

Thanks for the kind words, BDD. :smiley:

Art update!

Here’s a few quick sketches I did on a Cintiq using Photoshop while watching The Lion King awhile back.

I love Timon’s pose! I bet he’ll quickly realize his knees got carpet (or grass) burn! :stuck_out_tongue: