Hannahmation's Art

Al-Bob: Thank you!!

HelloDolly114: Thanks!! It is 100% stop motion… well except for the title and credits.

little chef: Thank you so much for the kind words! Being compared to Disney is quite the compliment! I really appreciate it! Mmm… ice cream sounds really good right now!

Really really well done! The penguins are very adorable! It flowed well, too. Your hard work really shows. I like the expressions on their faces- really cute. You mastered this short. Quite terrific for a first stop motion animation. I look foward to seeing more little animations from you! :smiley:

Oh wow, Hannahmation! Your animation is so good! I love the story and its conclusion, and as the others have said, you can tell exactly what the penguins are thinking and saying by their expressions. This is the sort of thing I can imagine someone like Lasseter having made at the beginning of their animation career! Well done. :smiley:

BDD: Thank you for the kind words! If all goes according to plan this summer, I’ll have a good amount of animations to share. :slight_smile:

lizardgirl: First Disney and now being likened to John Lasseter! Wow. I’m touched. Thanks so much!!

After working for so long on this piece, I am glad it is so well received!

Smooth animation; humorous moments; an entertaining story; memorable characters. You nailed them all. This is the kind of thing that’s going to earn you a position at Pixar, Hannahmation. Wonderful work!! :wink:

– Mitch

Thanks so much, Mitch! It means a lot! :smiley:

Hannahmation - You’re most welcome! :wink:

– Mitch

Here’s a couple photos I took at my grandparent’s house a couple weeks ago:

Those are cool, Hannahmation! I like the focus in the first one and the second one is lovely and summery. It’s amazing how it looks like every single one of those flowers is perfect. Nice photos!

Thanks lizardgirl! The second picture is of lilacs. My grandma has a big bush and it smells wonderful!

Here’s a picture of a sunset I took this summer. I enhanced the colors a bit in Photoshop

One word: beautiful :astonished:

Nice photos! I’d do some photography myself if I could, but there’s not a lot of good places to go where I live for that. I’d be more inclined to take pictures of people as well, but a lot of people here are paranoid and irate for the most part, I think it’d be too much of a hassle.

The lack of a decent camera makes things hard too,…

Thanks BDD and ffdude1906! I’m always hesitant to take pictures of people unless they ask me too, so I usually take a lot of photos of nature. Most of them are no good, but there are a few gems.

Because I haven’t posted here in forever, I thought I’d share some bloopers that have happened throughout the semester while making my short film. My actual short film should be online by the end of the month. Until then, enjoy a few bloopers. :smiley:

hannahmation89.blogspot.com/2009 … opers.html

I now present a semi-finished version of my short film! I’m going to go back and tweak some of the animation, fix some of the textures, and give it a nice render. But for now, I am more than happy to share this with you all!

hannahmation89.blogspot.com/2009 … ayhem.html

That’s really well done so far, Hannahmation! :smiley: LOL the chicken noises were funny- your friend did a good job on that, as well as you did a great job on the animation! I look foward to seeing the finished product! And in addition, I took a look at some bloopers you shared as well- haha, what’s interesting is how mistakes/bloopers can be frustrating but they are nice to look back at and laugh, as I see you found out.

Looks really great so far! I don’t entirely get what’s happening at the end, but I really love how the animation looks, you did a great job! Keep it up, and I can’t wait to see the finished product!

BDD: Thank you! There was a lot of laughing going on just recording the sound with my friend - it was even funnier listening to the sound with the animation! I laughed at the bloopers not long after they happened… especially the flying farmer one! I’ve come to accept strange glitches in Maya and a little humor helps to lessen the stress. :slight_smile:

ffdude1906: Thanks! The farmer puts a sweater on the chicken at the end… which wasn’t what the chicken thought was going to happen. Just a little twist. :slight_smile: It’ should be more clear once the textures are on.

Animation time! I’m doing some monthly character animation exercises. Every month, the 11 Second Club releases a new sound clip for people to animate to. Animations are then uploaded to the site and voted on! This is January’s. Didn’t get it done in time to submit, but had fun with the sound clip.
