Hannahmation's Art

That first one is pretty strange but really cool! I like how all the stuff sort of slides off the stage at the end. And the second one is incredible! Doing lip synching like that using stop motion must take so, so long, but you’ve got it just right- it really does look like he’s speaking. Great work, Hannahmation!

Hannahmation - It seems as if you’re having a great time handling and finalizing these projects, and it shows in your work!

The first animated video was unusual, yet interesting. All of the debris/shapes being shuffled about reminded me of some enormous monster trundling around. Heheh.
As for the second piece: Magnificent lip-synching work!

Wonderful job! You’re definitely on the road to success. :smiley:

– Mitch

little chef: Awww, thanks! Stop motion is quite frustrating. A lot of hoops you have to go through to do simple things. But I learn a lot from the challenges. And don’t worry, I won’t give up on my dream of becoming a Pixarian!

lizardgirl: Thanks! Yeah, the first one supposed to be a bit strange; more on the abstract side which I’m not used to working in. Lip syncing in stop motion does take a long time, so I’m kind of glad it was only a 2-3 second clip!

Mitch: Thanks so much! In the first animation, it does kind of look like some sort of monster. Especially since it eats the pieces of black paper. There was little planning involved with that piece. We were supposed to just go with it and see what happens. It was fun.

Nicely done! This would make some of my profs way happy. lol heck, makes me happy! I’ve never been one for puppet making or stop-motion. Did you enjoy making the puppet?

And hey, if you have the means to film over the summer we should do some kind of animation trade! Always wanted to try that.

Thanks, Haunt! I’m more interested in CG animation, so doing stop motion is a challenge for me, but it is a fun challenge. I actually had a lot of fun making the puppet. Almost more fun than doing the animation itself!

Yeah, that’d be fun! I’ve never done an animation trade before so that’d be cool. :slight_smile:

Latest stop motion assignment is now up. Had to use the down shooter camera.

hannahmation89.blogspot.com/2009 … ooter.html

Hannahmation - First of all, you’re welcome!

Secondly, nice animation! I like how you molded and introduced that little shark character into your project during shooting. I tried to find the ladybug, by the way, but couldn’t spot him! :wink:

– Mitch

Long time no update! I don’t really have anything to show from school right now as I’ve been working on long term assignments.

Here’s some pictures I took as I documented a sunset last summer:

Nice stop motion animation! What does the blue paper represent, though? Coral? Seaweed? Other fish? Anyway, it ran rather smoothly…(whoa, 120 frams in so little time?)

What a lovely sunset you’ve captured!

Hannahmation - I absolutely love sunsets, and that one is magnificent. Lovely photographs. :wink:

– Mitch

BDD: Thanks! The blue paper represents water. I’ve been doing animation for a few years now and I am still amazed at how many frames go into such little time!

Thanks, Mitch! I love sunsets as well, especially when they are over a body of water. Just mesmerizing!

Hannahmation - Yes, indeed, and you’re most welcome! :wink:

– Mitch

Still working on long term assignments, but I thought I’d give an update and post a link to my most recent blog post. It has an image of my stop motion set as well as an image of my completed model for my 3D modeling class. I’ve started rigging it so I can animate it next semester!

Give me 3-4 more weeks and I’ll have a fun animated short to show!

hannahmation89.blogspot.com/2009 … guins.html

I’m looking foward to seeing your animated short! I’ll bet it’ll look fantastic. Animation must be a really interesting class, and it also seems to take a lot of effort, patience, and creativity- which you manage so well! :smiley:

Thanks for the kind words, BDD! :smiley: Stop motion animation is indeed an interesting class. Makes you think about animation a whole different way!

My first animated short will be done by the end of next week! In the mean time, I thought I’d share a couple screen caps.

It is done!! My first animated short film is done! Been quite the journey with this one, especially it being stop motion. I had fun and learned a lot though!


My website is undergoing construction, so here’s a link to the short on my blog:
hannahmation89.blogspot.com/2009 … ulder.html

Wow that was great…even though there is no lyrics you could almost tell what the cute penguins were saying.

I loved it!!! :smiley:

Oh wow! That is just amaizing! Is it a mix of stop-motion and digital animation?

I think the penquins are super cute! :smiley:

Oh my goodness, Hannahmation… this looks soooo good! :smiley: It reminds me of some kind of Disney stop motion short film… how they used expression to convey what was going on, and you really, really nailed it. Like Al-Bob said, you could tell the implied “dialogue” just by the expressions on the penguins’ faces. I know this has taken you several months to do, and I heartily applaud you for your hard an unremitting work! throws clods of confetti into the air Go get yourself an ice cream or something for completing this! :wink:

little chef