Hannahmation's Art

I liked your animation! It’s great that you had fun with it!
And that piece- whoa, it’s absolutely astounding! Even your accidental piece somes out as a masterpiece. :smiley: To me, it looks like a fish pond centered with water splashing on rocks, making foam, and angels in the distance. It’s like a postcard from heaven or something. Awesome work- it’s too bad that you don’t have it anymore.

Haha, that accidental picture looks sort of mouldy, but in an attractive way. Just goes to prove that accidents can sometimes have good outcomes!

Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m taking a Stop Motion animation class this semester. So after a bit of a hiatus of posting my work, here’s my first stop motion walk.


Cool animation! Coincidentally, I have to do a stop-motion animation for a class.

Thanks! That’s cool! Stop motion is fun since it is all straight ahead animation. Although, it’s also a bit scary for me since I’m used to the planning of pose to pose animation. Good luck and have fun!

I can tell from that little foretaste that you are getting the hang of stop-motion animation. :smiley: Is animation of hobby of yours? I wish I could learn that…

Thanks BDD! I am getting the hang of stop motion. Although, I am just beginning the more complex stuff like facial animation and lip syncing! I am pursuing animation as a career. I’m currently at an art college where I am majoring in animation. Animation isn’t too hard to learn on your own. I can give you some pointers if you’d like. :slight_smile:

That’s some really good stop-motion animation, Hannahmation! It flows so smoothly!

Hannahmation - For a first try at animating a character walking via the stop-motion method… that’s pretty dang good! Keep up the great work! :smiley:

– Mitch

Thanks, Mitch! I certainly will try to! :slight_smile:

Hannahmation - You’re most welcome!

– Mitch


And lizardgirl, thank you as well! I was quite surprised at how smooth it turned out for only being my first attempt at it!

Another stop motion assignment! My first attempt at facial animation in this medium. We had to do a change of expression. I honestly had more fun creating my clay head than actually animating! It is really difficult to do facial animation with clay. Here is the result of 3-4 hours of animating.

hannahmation89.blogspot.com/2009 … sions.html

Hannahmation - Quite honestly, I think that you’re doing great! The subtle change of expression from, as you stated, “wishful longing to disappointment” works very nicely, and, although I suppose the animation could have been a little bit smoother, on the whole… it looks wonderful!


– Mitch

You chose some pretty difficult emotions, but handled them really well! I love his face in general, though- he’s got a lot of personality. :smiley:

Mitch: Aww, thanks! And I agree. It could be smoother, especially with the mustache wiggling.

lizardgirl:Thanks so much!

Hannahmation - You’re most welcome. :wink:

– Mitch

Here’s a piece that was done in class last week for Stop Motion. We got into groups of 3 and our professor encouraged us to keep things constantly moving including the camera. It is more of an abstract piece and it was lots of fun to create! Very intuitive and spontaneous. This is how we spent our 5 hours of class:


Another stop motion piece! This time a lip sync. Sound clip from Princess Bride:

hannahmation89.blogspot.com/2009 … -sync.html

Wow, Hannahmation! :slight_smile: That is pretty much incredible! That must have taken quite a while to do. I would probably get too frustrated with stop motion to want to continue… :laughing:

You do some great stuff, Hannahmation, and I think you are well on your way to fulfilling that dream of becoming a real Pixarian. :wink: Never, ever give up on that!

little chef