Hannahmation's Art

Thanks! These were taken at a fountain in downtown Minneapolis.

Those are really neat! I especially like the first one. That one makes me think of the water feature in front of the John Hancock building in Chicago. And the second one’s cool too. For some reason it reminds me of Buckingham Fountain or this other fountain in Rosemont (right next to Chicago).

Cool photos you got there ! Keep up the good work. :smiley:

Wow, who knew a closeup of a fountain could be so beautiful? Nice pics, Hannahmation. :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the comments!

Thispiece I did last year for a foundation drawing class. Had to use up two full ball point pens.

wow…that looks great.

I’ll second that AI-Bob !
It looks really cool !

At first look, I wasn’t sure if you had done those works, because they look absolutely amazing - to such an extent that made them appeared to be created by professional artists. Of course, that’s just an expression - I’m sure these works are your doing. :wink:

Excellent job, there, Hannahmation, you left me speechless.

Wow, that looks great, Hannahmation! Even though you used up two full ball point pens, the finished piece in the end is fascinating. It looks so real, especially the shadowing. Keep it up. :wink:

Thanks again for all the comments! I really do appreciate it!

WBoon: Thanks so much! I’m at an art school, so I am on my way to becoming a professional artist! Good to know I’m on the right track!

From a pen drawing to a charcoal drawing. This one was done for my Foundation Drawing 1 class last year.

I like it Hannahmation:smiley:

Wow, that reminds me of all-nighters that I pull on occasion. Really god Hannahmation. What would you cal that artwork (title)?


TSS: It is one part of three I did for a drawing final that focuses on different light sources and I didn’t title them. I never really do actually. Hmmm… I don’t know what I would title it.

Hey, that looks really good, Hannahmation! :smiley: I like your art.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Here’s my final piece for my 3D sculpture class last semester:

And here is what it looks like from the side. It’s a little hard to tell in this photo, but the center space inbetween the columns of blocks forms the shape of a cross as well.

Neat. Are those all little wooden blocks glued together?

I was never that good at 3D stuff.

That’s so cool, Hannahmation! Must’ve taken you asbolutely ages, though- it looks so intricate.

Well-made 3-D model, Hannahmation! A nice addition to your wonderful variety of art. :smiley:

Thanks! All those blocks… just over 200 blocks…are glued together. And it did indeed take ages to complete! But it was one of those projects that is so repetitive that it is relaxing to work on, which was nice.