Hannahmation's Art

I figured it was time to start posting some of my animation I’ve done for class.

This was one of the first assignments for the character animation class this semester. We were giving the key frames and we had to act as assistant animators and fill in the inbetweens.

[url]Falling Guy - YouTube

Edit: I thought I’d also show one of my first animations. It was done for a history project on the 1970’s.
[url]Telephone Booth Stuffing - YouTube

The block are really cool !
Concerning the animation, the link doesn’t work… :confused:

Thanks. I just fixed it, Pixar.rocks.

Thanks to you ! :wink:
Just a little bit of animation like that makes me smile… :smiley:

Thanks! I’m glad it could make you smile. :slight_smile:

I just added another link to that post by the way.

The second one is hilarious, is it you talking ?

Thanks! Nope, that’d be my brother doing the talking. And my cousin at the end. They wanted to be involved so I let them!

Lol “and I would like to-” BANG!

That was so hilarious! :laugh:

Good one!

Those animations are so cool, Hannahmation! The first one is so smooth, and the Lego one is hilarious, especially the ending. :smiley:

Thanks bright dot-dasher and lizardgirl!

Here’s another one of my animations for my Character Animation class:

[url]Run/Skid - YouTube

And here’s another one of my 3D projects from last semester. First time welding so good thing we had to make something minimalist!

Good stuff Hannahmation. I do have one question, will you do Character Animation in 3D instead of 2D animation ?

Thanks! Yes, I will. I’m actually working a piece right now that should be finished by early next week. The reason why everything has been 2D is because my character animation class is 2D based (best to learn the principles in 2D). I’m also in a 3D animation class and we’re finishing up our first major animation project.

Oh Ok, you think you could show us a bit when you’re finished or it’s not possible? :smiley:

Of course! I can actually show you a couple of my 3D pieces from high school right now.

Modeled, rigged, and animated the Tiger:

Done with a partner for a state competition. Got first and a trip to nationals:

And here’s our piece from nationals. Had to convey a mood.

Wow, That’s pretty cool! :smiley:
Sorry for the questions but i will have one more… :confused:
For how long you’ve been in the school ?

Thanks! That’s ok. I don’t mind the questions. :slight_smile:

I am in my second year of college where I am studying animation. If you’re looking for total years, I’m in my 15th year of school and I’ve been working with animation for 5 years now.

Good job on those, Hannahmation! I like your style in those, especially the 3-D art piece and the last animation with the torch.


Here’s my most recent 3D animation. Needs a bit of a background story though. Everyone in the class had to animate the character pushing/throwing a balloon and heavy ball down a step. All the animations were then combined into one big animation I had the last step and I decided to make it so the animation can loop. :slight_smile:


This piece was done in a 2D studies class my first semester at college. Collage: tape, paper, and plastic bags.

Wow, it looks so realistic! I like you did the shadows onthe boy’s face and hair.

And as for the animation, it looks great! :slight_smile: