Hannahmation's Art

All i have to say is Wow ! It’s really nice… :smiley: Thanks for sharing it with us.

Thanks for the comments bright dot-dasher and Pixar.rocks!

It took me quite awhile to get the shadows on the hair and face, bright dot-dasher so I am glad you like them!

Cool. I’ve heard of projects like that where the teacher wants you to learn about values and shading by using things other than a pencil. I think because at that point, the values become just shapes, which can make things easier when trying to depict things realistically. Anyway, that’s really good! I’d probably have a hard time with that, but you did it really well.

Thanks lennonluvr9! It was challenging to think of value in shapes, but it actually isn’t too bad. You just have to do a lot of squinting so you don’t start looking at all the little details!

Wow, Hannahmation! Great pictures you have here! Really well done. I just can’t wait for more of these. They’re absolutely wonderful! :smiley:

Hannahmation - You definitely have talent, I’ll give you that. Keep up the fantastic work! :smiley:

– Mitch

Thanks you so much for the compliments, Remy14 and Mitch!!

Here is something I did just a couple weeks ago for my Drawing 2 class. I was experimenting with mark making.

Hannahmation - You’re welcome! Nice composition, by the way. I like how you handled the lighting there. :smiley:

– Mitch

Hannahmation, I am really impressed with your artwork. Really great. You are good with lighting, as Mitch said. You make me so jealous as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

As the others have said, loving the use of shadow and lightning, as well as the strong directional lines. Nice work, Hannahmation. :smiley:

Thanks Mitch, TSS, and lizardgirl! A nice confidence booster. I’m struggling with my current drawing assignment at the moment. It’s due tomorrow and I’m not far at all it. May be a long night…

I really like your art, Hannahmation! As everyone before me, I believe, mentioned before, I like the use of lighting in it, making it look neat and realistic.

Thanks bright dot-dasher!

Here’s my most recent character animation. We had to do characters in conflict and I used some footage I shot of squirrels playing as reference. It was quite the challenge.


Stay tuned for my first attempt at lip syncing!

Very cute animation, Hannahmation! If you’d like some constructive criticism, I’d suggest loosening up the action of the characters the next time around so as the animation itself doesn’t look too stiff. But hey, you’re still new to this process, so I admire your effort. Keep practicing and you’ll be a pro! :wink:

– Mitch

Thanks Mitch! I appreciate the feedback! Can’t get better without it! I do agree with you and will definitely work on that!

Hannahmation - Sure thing! I was kinda worried that I might have sounded too harsh there, so I’m glad that I didn’t offend you or anything. I just like to give feedback. Heheh. :wink:

– Mitch

Yeah, I agree with Mitch you need to work on your ‘fluidity of motion’, but not bad for a rookie! :slight_smile: I’d really love to take up 2-D animation, partly because it’s ‘traditional’ and looks ‘prettier’, and partly also because learning the software packages are a major pain in the butt!

You have some other nice animation cycles on your channel. :slight_smile: Nice to know a fellow animation student.

Not too harsh at all Mitch! As artists, it is feedback that keeps us growing and pushing our limits!

thedriveintheatre, likewise it is nice to know a fellow animation student! Thanks to you two, I realized just what it was that was bugging me about my piece! I knew something was off! And sure enough, my piece is very pose to pose. Personally, I’m more of a 3D animation person. I love working with the software! 2D is fun as well, but it causes me more frustration. Glad you checked out my other animations!

Hannahmation - Yep. That’s true!

I also checked out some of your other animated works yesterday. I particularly like the “Revenge of the Stick Figure” short. :wink:

– Mitch

Thanks Mitch! That was a pretty fun one to make and I hope to go back sometime and refine some parts.