Hannahmation's Art

Hannahmation - You’re welcome! If/When you refine that piece of animation, I’ll definitely take a look at it again. Such a funny little short. :wink:

– Mitch

After a bit of a hiatus of posting work, here is something I did in my 3D animation class. We were given the model of an old man’s head and we had to add material/texture to make it as realistic as we could.

Oh, wow! The textures are incredible! I especially like the little details, like the mole on his left cheek. Great work, Hannahmation!

Thanks, lizardgirl! It was a lot of nit-picky work getting things to look right, but it was a fairly enjoyable process.

Hannahmation - Very nice! The amount of work you put into this model definitely shows – it rather reminds me of those clay molds that Weta Digital has created for The Lord of the Rings. :wink:

– Mitch

Really realistic looking, Hannahmation! I was almost expecting him to blink. The wrinkles in the skin and the details in texture are well made!

Thanks Mitch and bright dot-dasher!

I just got done documenting all my drawings from my figure drawing class this semester, so I’ll be sharing some of those soon.

Hannahmation - You’re welcome!

How are you doing in your classes so far, if I may ask?

– Mitch

Sure you can. I’m doing well in my classes. The semester is coming to a close now, only one more week left! As long as finals go alright this week, I should be in good shape. I have a tendency to set high standards for myself, so I usually do quite well.

Hannahmation - Awesome! Good for you. I’m sure that you’ll ace the finals. :smiley:

– Mitch

Thanks, Mitch! Finals did go well and I am quite relieved! I just have one more class tomorrow before I can settle in for winter break! I’m looking forward to being able to relax for a few weeks!

Here’s my two drawing finals. The first is my in class final and the second is my homework final.

Wow, I love the shading and shadows! It looks amazing! Now I know you’re a super, with the superpower of artistic-ness! :smiley:

Awww, thanks bright dot-dasher!!

You’ve got a really unique style, Hannahmation, especially in your shading. I like the calm expression on the girl’s face in the first one (is that you?), and the scratchy texture of the second one makes the piece stand out. I assume that they’re going to be graded or something? If so, I hope you do well!

Thanks lizardgirl! No, that isn’t me. We had a model in class. I just got the grades back for them today and I got A’s! It totally made my day, which is saying something because today was the last day of classes for the semester!

I was bored in the car one evening so started playing around with long exposure on my camera as cars passed us in the opposite lane. Here’s one result. I’ll probably post more at some point because I think they’re neat. :slight_smile:

I see two things in that picture. I see outlines of cars and I also see a beach. Maybe I’m just crazy, but it looks really cool.

Thanks TSS! You’re right about the cars! It’s the cars’ headlights that made this picture.

Here’s another one:

Awesome! It looks so surreal.

one word: WOAH!