I thought that way too until I did a presentation about
Pixar for a speech class in college. While doing my research for it, I discovered they produced numerous
commercials. Remember the one with the dancing Gummi Savers? That was done by Pixar.
And the previous
years were spent making their first shorts, such as Luxo Jr. and [i]Knick
So in
a sense, Pixar was an unknown until it got a major break thorugh.
Heh – and I thought I was the only one, as well. I never even knew about Pixar Animation
Studios until Toy Story was released in theaters. And even then, I thought that
Disney was the main head-honcho in the production of the film, as their name appeared first before the opening
titles. It didn’t really matter to me what that Pixar logo was for, at the time; I
just liked the jumping lamp. 
Of course, now I know what the whole halla-ba-loo is all about. Thank
goodness my dad is in the animation business… 
[b]Happy 21st
anniversary Pixar!!!
I can’t believe I call myself a Pixar fan! I didn’t
know that Pixar’s Birthday/Anniversary is December 9!!! How did that date come about? Does anybody
And Happy 21 Years to Pixar!
Well, I didn’t know it either, TheIncredible, until I looked it
up on the Pixar Planet forum calendar.
But that doesn’t mean that you’re not a true fan…heheh.

I was always a Pixar fan, but I have never called myself a true fan until I
watched the Incredibles. Still, great job to Pixar.
I never noticed i was such a fan
until i heard cars was soming out . I found all of these fun websites and i couldn’t get pixar out of my head ,
and i liked that it wasn’t leaving .
The date refers to the date that Pixar was officially
incorporated in 1985. It was actually re-incorporated again following the release of Toy Story on the same date
ten years later in 1995. And of course thw company was then disolved and merged with Disney on May 5, 2006.
Dash - Interesting
information. I still wonder if Disney’s/Pixar’s decision to merge was the right choice…? 
Well, for Pixar, I think it was. Look at what it has
[b]The Star
Swordsman[/b] - Heheh – yeah…that is true. And since Mr. Lasseter has been "cleaning things
up" in one of the Disney departments, things have been going quite well indeed. I guess we’ll just have to
wait and see how good things get in the future…
True. From the looks of things, things are looking up for Pixar.
[b]The Star
Swordsman[/b] - And down for Disney. 
Although, due to the fact that Lasseter is attempting
to return Disney to 2-D animation, things might just begin to look up for the “sequelized” studio. As
long as Roy Disney holds a tight grip on the rope, things shouldn’t slip up too much…
Don’t say that. Disney is cool. Without Disney, Pixar wouldn’t be what it is today.
Heheh – that is true, that
is true. Believe me, I have been a Disney fan all of my life. I don’t despise the company in general; it’s what
they have done that makes me fume from the ears… 
But yeah – Pixar will make everything right,
I think it was Disney that gave Pixar their big break.
"these disney guys gave us our big break. we’re gonna stick with
“well, i sure can respect that”

I’d love it if disney went back
to 2-D animation. I dont like some of the things they’ve been doing either. Plus i havent seen an actual disney
movie since 2003. I havent bought a vid of one (not counting rereleases of older movies) since 1998. I guess i’m
just not into em as much as I used to be. Although i still like em.
Well it was
certainly a win-win situation for both companies because as some analysts joke rather than Disney buying Pixar
for $7b it was more like Pixar bought Disney for -$40b. But seriously, it was the only way. Like it or not
Pixar is nothing without the unmatched powerhouse marketing team of Disney. Pixar has no marketing ability of
their own and noone they could contract with would come even close to Disney. Plus Disney outright owned their
herritage. If they split Pixar could kiss all of the Toy Story, A Bug’s Life, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo,
Incredibles, and Cars characters good bye. Think how that would kill morale at the studio and also that’s a
pretty big gamble that their future films will be THAT successful whether we believe they will or not. But this
way it’s all secure and back in the hands of Pixar and the execs there who know what they are doing are in place
to guide and restore Disney. John Lasseter is one of only two men who I think are qualified for carrying on
Walt’s dream (the other being Jeffrey Katzenberg who has already proved his worth in the Disney Rennaisance).
But I know for me it’s nice to go into work at the Disney Store and here them rightfully reffered to as
“your favorite Disney AND PIXAR characters.” It’s about time those two words got added! =)