[size=150]Happy 21st Anniversary, Pixar![/size]
hard to imagine Pixar’s existence going back that far. They took 10 years to develop and rocked our worlds from
Long live the king of animation!
[size=150]Happy 21st Anniversary, Pixar![/size]
hard to imagine Pixar’s existence going back that far. They took 10 years to develop and rocked our worlds from
Long live the king of animation!
God bless Pixar.
Wow, that sounds ‘america’. And I’m not even one.
[b]Happy 21st Anniversary,
Heh, I’m older than Pixar by ten months and eight days.
Happy 21st, Pixar!
Happy 21st Anniversary, Pixar Animation Studios!!
have changed our lives in every aspect of life, and I thank you for doing so. Stay on the track and keep up the
good work!
Pixar’s only 22 days older than I am! Happy Anniversary Pixar!
Wow. . . can
you believe it? 21 years! Congratulations on all of your successes Pixar. And I hope for even more as the years
go by.
Long live pixar (and 3d animation of course)
Happy 21st anniversary Pixar! Thank you for making films
with such quality and brilliance.
Propz to Pixar! Happy 21st.
happy b-day pixar ! here’s to a bazillion more years
and hopefully another 21yrs to follow!
21 years ago, the best animation studio EVER was created. Well, not immediately, but look at Pixar now! They’ve
progressed so much, working and playing hard. Pixar must have one of the best work ethics of any company, ever.
Happy birthday, Pixar!
[b]Happy 21st anniversary Pixar!! It seemed
like it was yesterday when it was Pixar?s 20th anniversary. [/b]
Another 21 years? I hope they last forever!
i know ! when i watched cars for the
first time i was like " no way ! they’re already 20 ? " and then i see this and it’s like crazy how
fast time flies .
To tell you the truth, I thought they
have existed since Toy Story. I never thought they were here that long.
i was kind of embarrased to admit that , but now that i know im not the only one
, i’ll admit i thought the same .
I can now only imagine what kind of success Pixar will have in the future. I don’t know what
may come, but I am so amped up about the future.