Happy Birthday, Andrew Stanton!

He’s gone on record in an interview saying he regularly reads Upcoming Pixar, and there’s a link to the forums from that blog (which is a part of Pixar Planet), and many IP addresses that visit these forums are from the Emmeryville area, so there’s a good chance that Andrew visits these forums, yeah. My wish is to one day personally ask members of the Brain Trust if they visit here… it would be rad if they did.

Andrew: “Hey, guess what? Our next movie is going to be about Pixar Planet forums!”


Oh, Boo, Hoo Hoo, missed his Birthday again. By a few hours, well close, but not close enuf, they wouldn’t let me out of the hospital.

Oh well, maybe next year… sniff.

He doesn’t come here anyways, no harm done. And people have forgotten about this thread… the poor little toaster, err, thread that never hurt anyone.

…Wait, his birthday is December 3rd?!


That’s my half birthday! There’s something like, really cool about that. To an uber geek like me, I mean. 8D

I wished him a “Happy Birthday” on his Facebook fan page!! :smiley: (I’m not sure if he ever actually reads it, but hey. Why not?! :stuck_out_tongue:)

To tell you the truth, I had his birthday written down on my calendar since like, the beginning of the year. :laughing:

little chef

Happy birthday, Mr Awesome Sauce! Thanks for bringing one of my most favourite animated movies of all-time to life!

Happy Birthday Andrew Stanton!

Thanks for making WALL•E. Awesome movie.

BTW, you are the George Lucas of Pixar. :wink:

Happy late birthday! Andrew Stanton is a cinematic genious.

Happy 45th birthday to Andrew Stanton. :smiley:

Happy Birthday Andrew!!! You’re the same age as my dad now!

Nice that you remembered, too.

Happy Birthday Andrew Stanton, you are my idol.

Happy Birthday, Andrew Stanton
sorry, for being a little late :frowning:

Happy Birthday, Andrew Stanton! :smiley:

I’m late!!! :cry:

Happy birthday, you awesome, movie directing dude!!

(He’s not my favorite Pixar director, but he seems the most personable, as if that made sense…)

:open_mouth: I didn’t know it was his birthday! I’m late!!!

Happy birthday Andrew Stanton!

Well, his birthday picture was on the imdb.com front page along with Julianne Moore and Brendan Fraser, beaming and such, so just had to run over here and get this thread recycled again!

Oh tonite for the first time I actually saw the preview for JCofM and it was fairly impressive, lots of action. I was hoping for less action scenes and more acting or some teasers about the story, which I’ve never read. This is the first thing I’ve seen at all on this movie, outside of the extremely cool giant red and black promotional thingees in the theaters. At the end of the trailer they said it would be shown first in select theaters, hmmm, does that mean it’s supposed to be an arts movie? Or are they trying to get a buzz going?

Extra treat: a new movie was just released, a cinematographic masterpiece and with a helluva good story too: Hugo. I talked a lot about it in the Wall-E Builder’s Club thread, that’s right, go check it out!:


Happy birthday Mr Stanton. :smiley:

Happy Birthday Andrew!

Happy birthday, Andrew Stanton! :smiley: :mrgreen:

[size=40](I wonder what he’d think if he actually read these, you know, like being wished happy birthday by total strangers 8D ;-o )[/size]

Happy birthday to one of my favorite directors, Andrew Stanton!