Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II

This is one of Harry Potter’s last lines:

[spoil]“-then Slytherin House will have gained an excellent student, won’t it? It doesn’t matter to us, Al. But if it matter to you, you’ll be able to choose Gryffindor over Slytherin. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account.”[/spoil]

Apparently Rowling forgot that important point when designing Pottermore.

What’s the latest the letter’s are supposed to come?

…End of Sept, I think? I’m waiting and wiating and it suuuuuucks. :frowning: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN?? jeez, I can’t tak it anymore!

I don’t wanna wait that long.

This is terrible. But I know Slytherin pretty well, so I guess I can make all the right choices to get what I want. See? Even my means are Slytherin-worthy!

That’s what I’m hoping. In most tests, you can get the house you want because the questions are pretty obvious.

I’ve heard this one isn’t that evident :frowning:

What house to you wanna be in Spirit?

I am literaly going to die if I dont get in soon!

And when Im sorted I just dont wantt to be hufflepuff.

I heard it’s mainly people who got in on day 1, 2, and some 3 right now.

I’ve been a Ravenclaw all my life. I know it, quiz or not, and I’m confidant about the results.

But still, I think this system of Rowling is a betrayal of her own work.

No, it isn’t. Trust me, I took the quiz and spent about twenty minutes on it trying to figure it out. In the end, I got Slytherin, when I KNOW I’m a Gryffindor.

I got in on the last day, so mine might be really late…:frowning: I hate the waiting. And I hate the system. One question is actually ‘heads or tails’ and it’s SUPER random. What if we got the house we didn’t want and emailed Rowling to change it? Slytherin grin

Thier would have to be A LOT of e-mails for that to happen.

I’ve always followed these films and I also know that many of you loved the last movie, but I found it a little bit stupid, specially at the end, I was so disappointed with Bellatrix final battle, Voldemort’s death and the horrible prologue, that said I gave it a B-

I was also disaponited with Voldemort’s death.

glad to know I’m not the only one here ;-p

To be honest, I wasn’t disappointed, but I definetly thought that they could’ve done more with it.

the film is great, but the end of it struggled a bit with non sense events, imo

I never read the last book, so I watched the movie knowing that I’m going to miss important info.

I was generally happy with part 2, which is pretty big for me. I have a lot of issues with the most recent films, and most of the time I can’t even stand to watch them again. What changed in part 2 was treated well, and made up for the fact that it wasn’t in the source material. Like [spoil]Harry hiding among the students and popping out at just the right moment[/spoil]. They still maintained important stuff, like the relationship b/t Harry and McGonagall, it just appeared in a different way.

I would’ve liked to see more of Dumbledore’s history and more “reconciliation,” so to speak, between [spoil]him and Harry[/spoil], but other than that, my only big complaint was the final battle scene. In the books, [spoil]Harry’s so confident and just puts Voldy down, with everyone silently watching. When Voldemort falls over dead, there’s this pause, and then everyone cheers and swarms Harry. We didn’t get to see everyone celebrating, and that was a disappointment.[/spoil] Plus, it’s kind of the culmination of the entire series, so it really should have been done better.

Honestly, it comes down to one thing: Film Harry is not the leader that he is in the books. I saw an editorial ([url]http://bit.ly/bZpfD5[/url]) a while back on MuggleNet about this, and it really captured the problems with the last few films. In HBP and DH, people don’t rally around him like they do in the books. You don’t have the [spoil]underground radio program about Harry, or people fighting and breaking Voldemort’s Silencing Charm after Harry “dies” because they believe so strongly in him.[/spoil] So the changing of the final battle and all of that sort of fits in with this.