Only one month away, and sure to be the highest-grossing film of the year. I’m certain that people who haven’t even seen the last five or six films will see this one, just to find out whether Harry dies or not.
Harry POtter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I was the third highest-grossing film last year, because it was released in November and so wasn’t able to get its full run in 2010. The only films it didn’t surpass were Alice in Wonderland and Toy Story 3, even at that late date. There is no chance that anything released this year can earn more money worldwide than the last Harry Potter film.
in overseas territories Pirates 4 is doing extremely excellent, 750m+ seems very likely for its final gross, the final race for the top film of the year will be between both films, however Potter 7.2 will surpass P4 in domestic gross for sure
I’m seeing this opening night with my brother (if we can get tickets)! I have been waiting for this for months!
I can’t wait to see it either. Months seem like years. But now, we just have to wait one more month.
Can’t wait till this comes out, seen every one since the first.
Same here Pixarfan! Same here!
I’m so excited for this movie, I already got my midnight premier ticket!
I’m surprised they aren’t sold out by now…
I actually liked Part I. At least as much as I can like the movies.
But I think all the changes they made to the plot of Part II will make me hate it.
What do you mean changes?
Spirit: Aaaw, did they change it? How can they change it? The last half of the last book was perfection. Absolute perfection.
I can’t wait to see this!! We don’t have our tickets for midnight yet, but just because we’re gonna have so many people in our group and we don’t know how many to buy yet! I can’t wait. I’m dressing up, definately. And I’m crying nonstop when the credits go up. But then again, the whole room will be, so the theater will turn into a Harry Potter family
My brother has to work on the 15th and 16th, so he won’t have a free day until the 17th… The one movie I wanna see on opening night more than anything else and I have to wait until two days after…
Maybe me and my younger brother and drag my mom to opening day, My parent’s hate opening day for stuff for some reason.
^Crowds, most likely. Opening day for a highly-anticipated film, especially Harry Potter, is bound to be crowded.
Evangeline and Pixarfan: Yes, they changed a lot of plotlines Like always, but this time it’s worse.
Spirit: At least they can’t change the major major event in the book. That’s a comfort at least!
Buying our tickets tomorrow! I can’t wait, we’re going with a party of 8! (Rhymes! XD)
Eight people in your party? Oh boy. I can bet that your party won’t be the only one.
I’m just going to watch with my twin bro.
^ That’s really cool! It would be kinda nice to go with a little group, but a few of my friends from high school and a few from gradeschool all wanted to go, and my brothers are going too, so it just kinda is a combination of like 3 different groups
Is anyone else dressing up?
Well, it depends on what is the major major event for you, cause they also changed some of them.
If there was ever a movie to see on opening day, it’s this one. Because it’s the last of the series!