Has Anyone had a crush on a cartoon character?

OMG yes Zuko. <3

I’m too embarrassed to name names, but I think most of them were princesses. And only one was single. :blush:

Ah, our dear ginger-curl lass? :slight_smile:

Yes, she was one. Thought she would be too rebellious for my taste, then the film came out. Merida was much sweeter and kinder than I thought.

Even though some of my favorite [size=50]“crushes”[/size] are taken, these lucky men are some of the best heroes:

-Flynn/Eugene - totally cool! Not bad with the frying pan, either! :wink:
-Prince Phillip - very brave and a good horseman
-Prince Eric - daring fellow
-Tony Rydinger -I think he’s very cool
-Mater - yes, I’m serious! He’s got it all!
-Hiccup - is a smart, charming dude
-Aladdin - what’s not to love about this dude!

EDIT: This message was edited to portray a more positive manner. I had previously stated I had envied these fine men, but really, I don’t. I love those guys. I have no true envy of them nor would I ever even think to steal their girlfriend/wife, which is already impossible. They are all great heroes who I totally admire, and it was a weak attempt to masquerade the names of their female counterparts with their names as a hint. I have no idea why I did that and I won’t do it again. :bulb:

Nice choices. I’m not really jealous of any characters. Basically, I have characters I admire, and characters who I think are handsome. They usually end up being the same characters. I don’t admire them for that reason, for some reason, characters with great moral fiber are usually handsome too. Or maybe I imagine them being handsome because I love their moral fiber? Who knows.

-Mr. Incredible
-Goliath from Gargoyles
-Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert
-Adam(the Beast)
-Li Shang

But it isn’t like I would ever switch places with their wives/girlfriends. All of them put together are not worth Glen! And I do not believe in separating canon pairs. I think I’ll also list females who I think are gorgeous and admire. I do not crush on them though. 8D

-All the Disney Princesses. Seriously. I would love to be like any of them, I admire all of them! And personally I find them all gorgeous in different ways.
-(Alice, Jane, Megara, Esmeralda, Wendy, Kida, Lilo, Nani; gotta love the non-Pricesses too)
-Helen Parr
-Ty Lee(TLA)
-Pretty much every Miyzaki girl ever. EXCEPT PONYO. :shake:

Ooh, I like all of those characters! And I shouldn’t have said I envied them, I didn’t mean it like that. :blush: I don’t actually envy any of them. I love all those guys, that was just me being a coward, trying to hide the names of who I was fancied. And I wouldn’t dare break the cannon pairings (disaster!). I should have been more specific and said, “I only hope I can be as lucky as these awesome guys!” :frowning: I felt so guilty that I edited my message to take a more positive manner. But enough of that, I should have said: Merida! And…

Rapunzel - gorgeous and super sweet!
Aurora is so pretty and I like her voice
Violet Parr!
Holley Shiftwell is so smart and has a nice model! (I love Mater, I shouldn’t have said I envied him! I don’t, I’m sorry, Mater.)

And Astrid and Jasmine are very good, strong females as well. Naturally, I think they’re all attractive, but I think they are good people too. Not necessarily the strongest female leads, but have good morals and try to do the right thing when challenged.

Aaah I hope you didn’t think I was attacking you! I’m just really OCD about supporting CANON things, and not made up fan nonsense. 8D Plus all I meant was I wouldn’t trade Glen for any character. :blush: 8D Sorry if I sounded rude.

Oh don’t worry, you weren’t rude. :stuck_out_tongue: I thought I sounded that way when I worded it that way. But you’re right, why mess with the cannon pairings? I just meant both the men and women were great characters and worthy crushes. :laughing: I wouldn’t really try and pair up with one of those women, I was just embarrassed to admit I admire them regardless. We’re friends! Sorry for the confusion.

8D You’re awesome!

Okay, since we are talking about something like this, I should admit something.

I only have crushes on characters who are single.

Is that really weird? :neutral_face: I feel embarrassed about it. But I just don’t feel right about liking a character who isn’t. I’m not saying you guys can’t, but it just feels weird for me.

I don’t mean just animated, I mean any character in general.

That actually isn’t weird at all, and I have a tendency to feel that way too :laughing:

I’m glad that someone else feels that way. It can be limiting sometimes, but I have so many good crushes that it doesn’t matter a lot.

There was one really disappointing situation, and I didn’t really like the person he ended up with.

And now I think this one character (non animated) is attractive, but he’s not single, so I’m trying to get him out of my mind. 8D Besides, I already have a good crush from the same movie. :neutral_face:

I really get where you’re both coming from, Amy and Leirin. Yeah, there are some great animated women out there, but I wouldn’t come between whoever she was with. I’d feel terrible! :~o But that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate them as great women. I totally understand why the perfect man in their lives are in love with them. I think you’re both on the right page, though.

I forgot to mention: Belle, Esmeralda, Kida, and Meg are also great gals. And likewise, the Beast, Phoebus, Milo, and Hercules are really good guys, too!

:mrgreen: Ah no, but thanks, you’re awesome! Still, I’ve said the weirdest things sometimes…

I totally know what you guys mean! For me though it’s mainly admiration and I would NEVER break the canon pairs anyway.

Meg is amazing! And Esmeralda, and Kida. I love them all!


SpongeBob SquarePants–TV series
(1) Patrick Star
(2) Sandy Cheeks
(3) Mr, Krabs
(4) Mrs. Puff
(5) Pearl

Fairly OddParents–TV series
(1) Cosmo & Wanda
(2) Chip Skylark
(3) Norm the Genie
(4) Poof

Winnie the Pooh–series
(1) Winnie the Pooh
(2) Tigger
(3) Eeyore
(4) Owl
(5) Roo
(6) Lumpy the Heffalump

Toy Story–all three movies plus short films
(1) Woody
(2) Buzz Lightyear
(3) Mini Buzz
(4) Recycle Ben
(5) Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head
(6) Trixie
(7) Ken
(8) Dolly
(9) Rex
(10) Jessie
(11) Buttercup
(12) Mr. Pricklepants
(13) Slinky
(14) Wheezy
(15) Bo Peep
(16) Hamm
(17) Neptuna

Cars–both films plus Mater’s Tall Tales
(1) Mia & Tia
(2) Finn McMissile
(3) Sally
(4) Mater
(5) The King
(6) Tex
(7) Mack
(8) Francesco

(1) Blu & Jewel

(1) Bambi
(2) Thumper
(3) Flower
(4) Great Prince

Some other Disney pairs:
(1) Todd & Copper
(2) Robin Hood & Maid Marian
(3) Pinocchio & Jiminy Cricket
(4) Peter Pan & Wendy
(5) Alice & Dinah
(6) Pongo & Perdita
(7) Lady & Tramp
(8) Scamp & Angel
(9) Hercules & Meg

Wreck-it Ralph–Disney movie
(1) Ralph
(2) Felix
(3) Vanellope
(4) Sour Bill
(5) Q-Bert

Pixar short film characters:
(1) Stu
(2) Alec Azam
(3) Jackalope
(4) Jack-Jack
(5) Kari
(6) Luxo Jr.
(7) Tinny
(8) Peck
(9) Tippy
(10) Geri
(11) George & AJ
(12) BURN-E

Talking Friends series from Out Fit 7 LTD (iOS apps)
(1) Talking Tom Cat
(2) Talking Ben the Dog
(3) Talking Larry the Bird
(4) Talking Harry the Hedgehog
(5) Talking Lila the Fairy
(6) Talking Gina the Giraffe
(7) Talking Ginger
(8) Talking Pierre the Parrot

I don’t exactly have a crush with those, but I still like all of them!
(Whoops! I must’ve listed way too much!)

Seriously guys, I miss the time where I would get crushes on fictional characters as opposed to real people. It was silly and lighthearted!

Except whenever those fictional characters I happen to crush on make a complete fool out of themselves, I can’t help but cringe. Ain’t that awkward, eh?

Even though there are a lot of characters I love and admire, moreso than crushing on them, I find myself drawing parallels between Glen and them. It’s quite fun actually.

Oh boy… Actually my first crush EVER, was… you guessed it: Flik from Bug’s Life.
…Now that’s a thinker.

Well he is voiced by 90s Dave Foley, who could blame you.

Jewel from Rio.