Has Anyone had a crush on a cartoon character?

Do I have cartoon character crushes? Pfft, of course I do!

Wellll you know about this



And for a really short while in a dark dank past it was also this

And now?

don’t judge me

but I’m sure you guys will anyway.

And when I mean ‘crush’ I mostly mean ‘I think they’re really awesome and cute and I’d love to meet 'em and just chill out with them and have pizza’.

And sbout the personality thing; of course! I mean, most people who feel romantically attracted towards animal characters like them mostly because of their human characteristics. I mean, not counting Luigi, I’ve only ever had unrealistic fangirl crushes on anthropomorphic animal characters. Though I liked 'em like that because of their human characteristics. Sure, I think alligators are really cool and blue jays really pretty, but they lack the human parts K. Rool and Mordecai have that make me like those guys in a different kinda way. A rolling-around-on-the-floor-in-fangirl way.

So yeah, there’s that. Another TL;DR Badger post. I should really knock it off with the rambling.

Since Rapunzel is taken, I wouldn’t dwell on that thought anymore even if I wanted to. I could, but I’m not the kind to do that. :unamused: But seriously, very beautiful princess and she’s got a good man!

I’ve been considering Merida from Brave. Definitely more skilled than me, but independent yet family-oriented with a similar kind of passion that I have for my hobbies. Too bad I don’t live in medieval times. :unamused: :frowning:

Yeah uh…new one.

I thank my fandom induced mind. Thank you very much. 8D

Vanessa Doofensmhirtz from Phineas & Ferb… :blush:

Some of you probably KNOW I had a major thing for Francesco Bernoulli. Thats right. I said had, I guess its still there but not as strong. But yeah, I was Francesco crazy for a while XD
Luigi from Nintendo is adorable! I wouldn’t say I have a crush on him, I just think he is adorable!
Currently, my attention is focused on Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians :stuck_out_tongue:
Now this one is certainly NOT a crush but I think Dr. Nefarious from the Ratchet and Clank series is pretty awesome! Remember I AM NOT CRUSHING ON HIM! He’s a robot after all, and despite him being evil, I just love his evilness and comic relief-ness :mrgreen:

Tons. Samurai Jack, Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Pepe le Pew, Cedric from Sofia the First; I know there are others, but I can’t think of them right now.

OMG yes Zuko. <3

I’m too embarrassed to name names, but I think most of them were princesses. And only one was single. :blush:

Ah, our dear ginger-curl lass? :slight_smile:

Yes, she was one. Thought she would be too rebellious for my taste, then the film came out. Merida was much sweeter and kinder than I thought.

Even though some of my favorite [size=50]“crushes”[/size] are taken, these lucky men are some of the best heroes:

-Flynn/Eugene - totally cool! Not bad with the frying pan, either! :wink:
-Prince Phillip - very brave and a good horseman
-Prince Eric - daring fellow
-Tony Rydinger -I think he’s very cool
-Mater - yes, I’m serious! He’s got it all!
-Hiccup - is a smart, charming dude
-Aladdin - what’s not to love about this dude!

EDIT: This message was edited to portray a more positive manner. I had previously stated I had envied these fine men, but really, I don’t. I love those guys. I have no true envy of them nor would I ever even think to steal their girlfriend/wife, which is already impossible. They are all great heroes who I totally admire, and it was a weak attempt to masquerade the names of their female counterparts with their names as a hint. I have no idea why I did that and I won’t do it again. :bulb:

Nice choices. I’m not really jealous of any characters. Basically, I have characters I admire, and characters who I think are handsome. They usually end up being the same characters. I don’t admire them for that reason, for some reason, characters with great moral fiber are usually handsome too. Or maybe I imagine them being handsome because I love their moral fiber? Who knows.

-Mr. Incredible
-Goliath from Gargoyles
-Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert
-Adam(the Beast)
-Li Shang

But it isn’t like I would ever switch places with their wives/girlfriends. All of them put together are not worth Glen! And I do not believe in separating canon pairs. I think I’ll also list females who I think are gorgeous and admire. I do not crush on them though. 8D

-All the Disney Princesses. Seriously. I would love to be like any of them, I admire all of them! And personally I find them all gorgeous in different ways.
-(Alice, Jane, Megara, Esmeralda, Wendy, Kida, Lilo, Nani; gotta love the non-Pricesses too)
-Helen Parr
-Ty Lee(TLA)
-Pretty much every Miyzaki girl ever. EXCEPT PONYO. :shake:

Ooh, I like all of those characters! And I shouldn’t have said I envied them, I didn’t mean it like that. :blush: I don’t actually envy any of them. I love all those guys, that was just me being a coward, trying to hide the names of who I was fancied. And I wouldn’t dare break the cannon pairings (disaster!). I should have been more specific and said, “I only hope I can be as lucky as these awesome guys!” :frowning: I felt so guilty that I edited my message to take a more positive manner. But enough of that, I should have said: Merida! And…

Rapunzel - gorgeous and super sweet!
Aurora is so pretty and I like her voice
Violet Parr!
Holley Shiftwell is so smart and has a nice model! (I love Mater, I shouldn’t have said I envied him! I don’t, I’m sorry, Mater.)

And Astrid and Jasmine are very good, strong females as well. Naturally, I think they’re all attractive, but I think they are good people too. Not necessarily the strongest female leads, but have good morals and try to do the right thing when challenged.

Aaah I hope you didn’t think I was attacking you! I’m just really OCD about supporting CANON things, and not made up fan nonsense. 8D Plus all I meant was I wouldn’t trade Glen for any character. :blush: 8D Sorry if I sounded rude.

Oh don’t worry, you weren’t rude. :stuck_out_tongue: I thought I sounded that way when I worded it that way. But you’re right, why mess with the cannon pairings? I just meant both the men and women were great characters and worthy crushes. :laughing: I wouldn’t really try and pair up with one of those women, I was just embarrassed to admit I admire them regardless. We’re friends! Sorry for the confusion.

8D You’re awesome!

Okay, since we are talking about something like this, I should admit something.

I only have crushes on characters who are single.

Is that really weird? :neutral_face: I feel embarrassed about it. But I just don’t feel right about liking a character who isn’t. I’m not saying you guys can’t, but it just feels weird for me.

I don’t mean just animated, I mean any character in general.

That actually isn’t weird at all, and I have a tendency to feel that way too :laughing:

I’m glad that someone else feels that way. It can be limiting sometimes, but I have so many good crushes that it doesn’t matter a lot.

There was one really disappointing situation, and I didn’t really like the person he ended up with.

And now I think this one character (non animated) is attractive, but he’s not single, so I’m trying to get him out of my mind. 8D Besides, I already have a good crush from the same movie. :neutral_face:

I really get where you’re both coming from, Amy and Leirin. Yeah, there are some great animated women out there, but I wouldn’t come between whoever she was with. I’d feel terrible! :~o But that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate them as great women. I totally understand why the perfect man in their lives are in love with them. I think you’re both on the right page, though.

I forgot to mention: Belle, Esmeralda, Kida, and Meg are also great gals. And likewise, the Beast, Phoebus, Milo, and Hercules are really good guys, too!

:mrgreen: Ah no, but thanks, you’re awesome! Still, I’ve said the weirdest things sometimes…

I totally know what you guys mean! For me though it’s mainly admiration and I would NEVER break the canon pairs anyway.

Meg is amazing! And Esmeralda, and Kida. I love them all!