Hi, I'm new here

I don’t want to sound like a beezy, but I’m pretty sure that you’re a troll. Or have been living under a rock for the past few years.

Well, I thought that about…some members here, and was wrong. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but it’s okay as long as no one buys anything.

TSfan, BR players are way more than DVD. I got a pretty sweet DVD player by Magnavox for $29.99 3 years ago, and it still works. BR is about $80.

I might be “living under a rock” as you said, being a 52 year old from Wyoming, I’m not really in tune with all this new technology. :blush:

Get a DVD player, dude. BR costs at least twice as much.

Okay, I think I’ll bite the bullet and get one. So what did everyone think of the movie? :slight_smile:

BTW, IncredigirlVirginia, I’m a “ma’am,” and I’d like to be called as such. Thanks.

I think it’s pretty suspicious how he decided to sign up on this site just to ask this question, when it could’ve been done on Google or something. Plus, he says he has Up on VHS.

If you want to prepare for the future though, purchase a Blu-ray player now and start upgrading. One day DVD will be obsolete and you will have to upgrade anyway.

Excuse me Mr. Bryko, I am a “she,” not a “he.” Also, I’m very inexperienced with Google and whatnot; I’ve only found this site because my nephew brought me here.

Also, I got Up on VHS as a gift, I didn’t purchase it. I’m not sure if it’s a bootleg, but it looks a bit bad quality, lots of shaky camerawork. :confused:

I am sorry TSFan, but there is no way for anyone on Pixar Planet to know someone else’s gender.

Please consider being polite when correcting others. They only made a mistake.

And please refrain from double posting.

Please read the rules of Pixar Planet before posting.
Here they are for you: [u]http://pixarplanet.com/rules[/u].

Thank you very much TSFan for understanding, and please introduce yourself at the Introduction/I’m Back Thread

I apologize. So what did everyone think of Toy Story 3? Did it deliver the goods, as they say? :smiley: :smiley:

Okay this is now my favourite thread :laughing:

But if you are being serious, I hope you enjoy Toy Story 3 :slight_smile:

I’m sorry. I call everyone dude, I didn’t mean to offend. :blush:

I’d get a Blu-Ray, but…I’m sort of broke, and I hate the idea…I’m tired of all these “technology upgrades”. I’m sorry, large corporations. I’m sorry I’m poor. Now will you stop punishing me for it?

I’m not one to judge, but if you have Up on VHS it must be bootleg. This Labor day weekend will be the last time you’ll be able to see Toy Story 3 in theaters, so I strongly advise that you do so. :slight_smile:

TSFan: Well, sorry, I guess. I’ll take your word for it. And, as love70ways said, if you’re going to upgrade, you should go Bluray. The players are getting cheaper nowadays, so if you have the money there’s no reason not to.

Toy Story 3 was excellent I thought. It added needed closure in a lot of character’s cases, and brought in awesome new ones. I thought it was funny but no t in a laughing out loud way, but I am like that with a lot of films. Also the whole setting and storyline was cool and the Monkey freaked me out :stuck_out_tongue: I think it was my favourite film out of the trilogy. (It feels weird calling it trilogy… thats like what you would call Star Wars or Lord of the Rings or whatever :stuck_out_tongue:)

Toy Story 3 was really good, but very different. Not half as good as 2. I still love it, though.

Aww, it’s okay Virginia. :slight_smile:

And thanks everyone for your suggestions. I think I’ll buy a BluRey player instead of settling for a DVD player.

Oh Tomato, I was suspicious of the terrible quality on the VHS, my niece gave it to me as a gift. :blush:

And as I’ve said before, there are no theaters near where I live.

Also, I’m glad to hear that everyone liked the movie! John Lassotter directed another goldmine i see! :slight_smile:

Actually, Lee Unkrich directed Toy Story 3. John Lasseter was the executive producer.

Oh no! Why would they replace John Lassotter? :frowning: