Ok, it’s good to know that I wasn’t the only one completely ruined by Cascade. I mean, I know I’m not the only one, because for the last several weeks, me and a few other Homestucks have been crying about it and speculating and crying some more. But omg a thread for this, I’m so excited.
Badger: gurl you gotta jump on the bandwagon. It is the most boring and confusing thing in the world for the first two acts or so, but as I say to everyone - I promise that if you can get past those few first acts, it gets a lot better!
spoilers from here on, oops
PM has always been cool, but now she’s just plain BA. A lot of people expected that to happen, what with WV having the ring the whole time, and the White Queen handing her crown over to PM, etc., but honestly I didn’t even see it coming. I’m interested to see what her role will be in the future, and how she and Jack will interact now that they have the same powers.
And WV o m g he better be alive. That was one thing that I dreaded about the update, was that WV was going to die somehow, and then… that goes and happens and I think that was one of the worst parts about Cascade for me. ;____; </3
I think one of the reasons why I love PM and WV so much is because in many, many ways, they make me think of WALL-E and EVE. <3 I could go on and on about that, but I will at another time because this post is probably going to be long enough.
See my thing with the profanity is, I don’t like that there’s so much of it, and it kinda makes the text painful to wade through at times. Especially with characters like Dave, Karkat and Gamzee who drop the F-bomb constantly. But unfortunately, some of it is used creatively, as in the case of Karkat. He does what I like to call “creative cussing” and it ends up being more funny than offensive to me. I’ve sort of learned to just subconsciously block it out as I’m reading, I guess. What throws me off guard is when the girls use profanity, especially Jade!
As far as favorite characters go, I have a lot now that I’ve read the comic all the way through, so bear with me here. ;o; For the kids, my most favorite are definitely a toss-up between John and Jade. I find John’s innocence and total naivety adorable; how he’s just this little 13 year-old kid who loves dumb movies and video games, nothing special about him from the first moment you meet him - yet he’s the one destined to lead the other three, he was always meant to be a leader and never knew it. He even doubts himself in that. You just watch him grow up and become this amazing person in such a short amount of time - and somewhere near the end of the series, you’re just internally reminded that all four of the kids are still only 13. And they’re becoming such adults dfgkjdfg my BABIES ;______;
(sorry about that, I will try not to squee too much here.) And Jade is so perfect. Jade reminds me a lot of myself because she’s generally so positive and creative, and she has so much faith in all her friends even when they don’t have faith in themselves. Not to mention, while she’s always trying to be friendly with everyone, she doesn’t take crap from anyone, either. I was devastated about what happened to her and was all wwhhhaAAAA when she went “dog tier”. It kind of confused me at first, but then I had to remember that when someone goes god tier, they have to have a living dream self in order for it to happen, and that dream self is what actually goes god tier, though their dream self is STILL the same person. (I’m making so much sense right now. ) So when Jade went god tier, her dream self had been revived by being merged with the kernelsprite, prototyped with Becquerel, therefore she was actually able to go god tier - but with Bec’s epic magical properties.
OK I am rambling what else do I like about this comic? The trolls. I used to be really confused when I started reading Homestuck, cuz I always thought that the trolls WERE what Homestuck was, based on the fandom. (I too was deterred from reading it for a long time because of the crazy fans. oops I’m one of them now.) I’ll just cut to the chase and say that my favorite trolls have to be Tavros, Terezi, and Feferi. I like Vriska too but how I feel about her is weird - I only really started to like her more by the end of the comic, not so much at first.
I will save more typing for later, because I’ve dominated the conversation so far and just made the longest post I’ve made in a long time. xD
OH one more thing - was I the only one completely and utterly terrified at Lord English’s design? D’: I was kind of expecting Doc Scratch to be LE for a while, and only had that confirmed in the last update. Thank you Hussie for nightmare fuel.
little chef