How the heck do families work?

Oh no. It’s another person trying to make sense of the Cars universe.

So, parents. Family members. It’s apparent they exist, but so few characters ever mention them. Lightning doesn’t seem to have a family at all.

I actually thought of Lightning having no family yesterday. I was thinking maybe his family didn’t want anything to do with him after he became famous and turned into a jerk, but then I thought, “Well how come four years after his notable change, they still wouldn’t want to be with him?” When I first heard of Cars 2, I thought we would meet his parents (or someone’s family) but I guess not. I always thought Doc had a kid out there somewhere, like Lightning’s age, but that’s just me. You’re right about like no characters mentioning family. The only ones I can think of is in the Cars video game where Mater has a cousin. And in the second movie where we meet Francesco’s momma. 8D

The only way to enjoy Cars is to give up entirely on trying to figure out its internal logic.

Amen! Sometimes it is fun to try and figure it out for entertainment purposes but you can never expect to find a real answer. I think that is the #1 reason most people don’t get/enjoy Cars because they just can’t wrap their heads around it and they can’t just let go and love it as it is.

It’s not a matter of enjoying Cars or not for me. I love Cars, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. I just think it’s fun to think of these things and talk about with others and see what they think for entertainment purposes. :smiley:

Yeah, but in the case of Cars it really does feel akin to debating which Springfield the Simpsons live in. There’s no real plausible answer so the debate would amount to merely a bunch of ideas being thrown out.

There’s a lot of things that don’t make sense in this world: How do they work those phones? Why do they need both food and gasoline? Why did dinosaurs exist and what do they look like? Is your profession determined when you’re born? Do cars go to any schools? If they grow like humans, then where are the car “children”?

And related to this, how do they… you know, reproduce?


It’s just fun to get ideas. :smiley:

I understand that it’s fun to debate about the Cars universe, and I love doing it myself, but I’ve always was wondered why we can accept that cars talk, and don’t question that, when it’s clearly a bigger and more perplexing issue. And using the same logic, I’ve always wondered why the aspects of families, gender, and reproduction are never talked about in other Pixar films with inanimate objects, like Wall-E and Toy Story.

Of course, it’s awesome hearing the ideas! :smiley: I’m actually kind of glad that Cars gets this special treatment, that way there’s always something to talk about. :slight_smile:

There’s been a bit of talk over gender in WALL-E fandom way back, but as far as family and reproduction, I think the major difference is that in those worlds, humans exist to create more robots/toys/whatever. Here, there’s nothing but cars to make new cars.

Ding: Hahaha, you’re right about them talking. Nobody ever brings that up, we just accept it. It is a good point, I myself haven’t thought about that once, I just find it totally natural.

That right there is an excellent explaination. I think you hit the nail right on the head. :smiley:

100% agree. So, it’s basically trying to think of how they can live and be sufficient in a world on their own.

And I agree with you, Ding, it’s funny how we just overlook that like it’s normal. 8D

Well if anyone thinks that all families in the Cars universe are uncaring and dysfunctional, here’s proof otherwise, if I may remind you from the first one:

Awww, look how cute that is! :smiley:

Oh my gosh, that is TOO cute. That part always went by so quick, I never had a good look at it. Awwwwwwwwwww! <3 I think this answers partly to some of the questions MissCarrera and I were discussing. This baby car obviously is a mixture of both of her…his, umm, it’s :confused: (LOL) parents’ colors but has it’s mother’s make. Interesting. :slight_smile:

Yeah, it’s a little girl. The red car is the mom and the blue car is the dad. You can tell if you watch the scene closely because you can hear each one of their voices cheering. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s it. I’m watching Cars again so I can pay attention to all this. 8D

Just remember, watching Cars is always a good idea! :stuck_out_tongue:

You can say that again, and again and again! :mrgreen: Yeah, the first time I saw that part both my brother and I were like “Awww!” right out loud. That picture is suuuper cute. And that does help settle some of the questions we had. We still don’t know what colour a baby would be though if the parents weren’t primary colours but I see that the make can likely go either way and not as a hybrid.