How to get Pixarian autographs

Hi from Germany !

I´m following this tread some times and now I want to try it by myself. What do you think if I send them a large picture from Minster University and ask them to pas it along the animators to sign it for me.

Any chance for such a try ?


Hello Thorsten! I don’t see why not, it’s worth the try. If it’s a specific animator, I doubt they get a lot of fan mail. There’s a higher chance of them signing it personally. If you’re shooting for a director or something, it would be a lot harder.

I’d imagine the best thing to do is to send it to one specific animator. You could then include a note asking them to have the other animators sign it. That would probably be the best way to get a bunch of people’s autographs.

Thanks for your help.

What I´ve done so far is the following:

I´ve searched IMDB for the complete crew of Monster University.

Then I looked after these names (animators) who have own homepages or blogs (google is great)

After that I´ve tried to contact them at their own email mentioned there asking if I could send them something to sign.

But I did not receive any answer right now but it´s only 2 days ago.

Wouldn´t it be bad to send one of these people my asking directly with the post again ?

Maybe I should choose another animator and send my request with his name to Pixar ?

Sorry for my horrible English.

^If you already wrote to them, and they don’t write you back then don’t respond. Maybe they’re too busy to write back.

I will wait another week and then send my request to Holger Leihe. I found out that he is a German animator at Pixar and went to the University only 8 km from my hometown. This could be a good start !

Would you write him in English and German ?

By the way how do you address your request ?

Keep fingers crossed !

Everything you need to know about asking for an autograph via mail is available on the first page of this thread.

I personally think that it would be a nice touch to write to him in German.

Ok…thanks for your help.

Will will gibe it a try and let you know anyway.

Keep fingers crossed !


Cool, yeah definitely let me know how it works out! I’ll be mailing mine tomorrow.

May I ask what you will send and to which person ?

A few years ago I sent an autograph request to Elissa Knight, the voice of EVE. I got an autograph back. And last week I sent a request to Dan Scanlon.

I’ve sent a ridiculous amount of mail to Pixar. I have responses from JL, Lee, Pete, and Dan Scanlon and I’ve sent letters to Bob Peterson, Pete Sohn, and Ronnie Del Carmen, but no response from them. :neutral_face:

omg, I just sent something to Dan! Did you send it after or before you saw MU? What did he send back?

I sent it in June 2011. I got a hand-written reply that said "“Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad you like the first film. I was a fan of that film myself. I’m looking forward to sharing MU with you and the rest of the world. Dan Scanlon” and a hand-drawn sketch of Mike and Sulley. Page 38 of this thread has the picture on it.

Oh wow, that’s so cool! Mine probably won’t be hand written. XD You definitely were ahead of the game, I’ll go check it out right now!

I sent a letter asking for an autograph from JL about three weeks ago. But since it takes about 4-8 weeks for them to reply, I will not give up hope!

FYI, I will be sending a letter of thanks and praise to Michael Comet as soon as The Good Dinosaur comes out in May 2014 (who knows? Maybe I’ll request some autographs, too!).

EDIT: I already have Michael Comet’s signature on my copy of The Art of Pixar.

Good luck, show us when you get it! I still haven’t got mine from Dan. I hope we get it soon, as my family is moving out of this house in a couple of months!

I would like to respectfully thank you for this wealth of useful information.

Is there any one in paticular you want to write to?

Yay I got mine from Dan Scanlon! There actually was a SNAFU. I got someone elses! I looked her up on facebook but she never responded to my message saying that I had hers. And then a few weeks later I got mine as well!