How well do you know: Ratatouille

I got 25/25.

The 21st question was slightly confusing as [spoil]technically, I believe only the health inspector was locking in the pantry when the rats were actually cooking. Skinner was locked after demading who cooked the ratatouille.[/spoil]


Don’t question my knowledge of Ratatouille.

23, I’m not very good with questions one who voiced/acted who

I think on the voice actor question, I just took a lucky guess. But 23 is still a good score.

I just found your Incredibles quiz and it was great! (= Are there any more around the forum? (goes to search) I feel like testing my Pixar IQ! :laughing:

22/25… There were a few that answers I knew, but I questioned if this was a trick question and put otherwise…

Like the question of who was locked in the refrigerator while the rats were cooking, I put only the health inspector. Because technically that’s true because Skinner was thrown in later. So if I got knocked a point down for something for that, so be it I guess.

23/25. i think i got the question about Remy’s father and the voice of Colette wrong. I know Remy is Patton Oswalt! Oh and Linguini and Remy’s brother are both animators that worked on the film, but that’s all I know for voices.

23/25 is still a pretty impressive score though. NIce work.

thank you! i absolutely looooooooove Ratatouille!!! :smiley:

Me also!

I actually got a perfect score the first time around. It didn’t seem that difficult to me… but then again I’ve seen the movie too many times to count, sooo…

Yay! I’ve seen this one less than any other Pixar film and I got a 24 / 25.

I got the voice of Django wrong. :slight_smile:

23 eek, I never really know the voices.


I love Ratatouille, and contrary to most people on this thread I always know nearly every single voice-actor in all the films. I guess it’s good for something. :laughing:

Oh, and to everyone else, good job! Hey, did anyone else notice that no one scored lower than a 21. It’s obvious we’re at Pixar Planet. :laughing:

oh yeah!!!

Yay! 25
I love Ratatouille.
(I love Pixar even more!)

[spoil]My only wrong answer is the actor who voiced Django.[/spoil]

24/25 because of the voice actor question. I can name the rest, but not that guy.

100% - 25/25

This quiz was WAAAY too easy, IMO. I didn’t even have to stop and think on most of them. [spoil]I know the names of the main voice actors by heart… that’s how much of a Ratatouille freak I am!!! :unamused: [/spoil]

I got 23/25

Not bad since i don’t know any voice actors at all…