I Got Something Cool!!!

I went to a lecture on the making of WALL-E as part of the St. Louis International Film Festival (SLIFF). The Director of Photography, Jeremy Lasky was giving it (another neat thing is that he graduated from a high school in my school district), and afterwards, there was this raffle and I won a GIGANTIC WALL-E Poster! I mean, this thing is huge!!! It rocks!!! He signed it afterwards, too!!! So, I just thought that’d be really cool to share here!!! I am soooo happy right now!!!

Sweet. Pictures?!

Nice, plz show us the picture.

That’s awsome! Could you please post a picture or some dimensions?

Wow, that sounds so cool, TS2! As the others have said, we’d love to see a photo of it. What part of WALL-E is it of, or is it like a promotional poster?

Sounds very amazing TS2. I would love to see pictures.

Congrats, TS2! Like the others, I’d love to see a photo.

I’ll paste a picture here soon, over this Thanksgiving Weekend. It’s just a DVD promotional poster, but it’s a gigantic one!

Lucky you, TS2! Can’t wait to see the poster! :smiley:

I’m sorry it’s taking so long on the pics, but the poster keeps falling down off my wall. I must find something stronger than scotch tape!!! :wink:

You’re so lucky! Is it one of those huge canvas movie poster things they hang in movie theaters? I almost got one of those when they hung one up at the food court to promote the showing at my school’s theater. I asked the people who were in charge of it if I could have it. They said they would get back to me but they never did. :frowning:

I like your signature btw :wink:

It’s a merchandising DVD promotional poster, but it’s still pretty big and it’s signed! So, it’s just as good! Were you referring to my old Johnny Cash signature or my Mitt Romney 2012 signature? Cuz I’m serious 'bout Romney 2012! That’s not a joke!

Thats awesome, your lucky!