I know how to draw. I’ve been doing it since I was little. But I don’t know the fundamentals of it. I’m sure if I drew something, and gave it to a professional that person would have all kinds of things to say on how I could improve. I’m trying to teach myself the proper way to draw. I want to be an animator. There’s an animation website I go to where they have a thread letting people know what they can expect when they try to get into the field. One of the impressions that I’m getting from that thread is that if you want to get into the field, you have to work on improving your skills day and night. Basically anything else you enjoy has to get pushed to the side. And I was wonder is that how it is for any of you guys who are currently working in the animation field or plans on working in it one day? I love to draw. I I really do. I lose myself in something I create on paper. But I also love to read. So how do you guys that are currently in the field or are studying to be in the field do it? How do you balance your love for drawing and other things you enjoy doing? Our do you guys stay locked in a room and only go out or go out for art supplies and the latest Pixar movie?
It is a lot of hard work thats for sure, the only way to become an animator is to work yourself to the limit. But there is no way I would reccomend doing nothing but work, it will drive you insane and you will soon lose that love and passion that once filled you.
The key is finding a balance between work and play. Last year I started to struggle with finding enough time for work and my relationship, this year it has not been so bad. I have gotten better at working throughout the day and seeing my girlfriend most evenings. Obviously the more work I have the more time I need to invest in it.
I guess all I can say is, if you love what you are doing you will find the time to work on your skills. Just make sure you don’t miss out on a massive portion of your life. I have worked myself hard at uni but I certainly made time for going out and being young
Thanks for the advice St_Jons. Do you know if there’s any way I could get this moved to the Other Animation section? I didn’t realize until I posted this thread here that it would probably be better to post it in that section. It seems to get more traffic.
um I’m not sure, I guess one of the moderators will move it if they see fit
Don’t worry. i moved it for you.
Thank you! I see it’s gotten more views, but not more replys. Oh well. Thanks again.