I was browsing the internet when I came across these wonderful drawings! I wish I knew who drew the Wall E characters as human because they are really neat!
Funny pics, they work pretty well. I especially like the M-0
It looks like someone is drawing them for a Wall-E comic book series, since 1) they are very good, and 2) there is the Disney-Pixar copyright stuff right there.
That person would be BechnoKid.
I recognised his/her distinctive art style right away. He/She does other good personifications of Wall-E characters.
Thanks TDIT! I took a look at some of BechnoKid’s other pieces. Love his/her style!
Wrong. It’s Andrew Kaiko. If you google Andrew Kalko, all 5 of the results point to this same /Film reference, which I’m certain is wrong, since there is an Andrew Kaiko who does comic strips.
The Finding Nemo art is by Andrew Kaiko (credited on the /Film article). The WALL-E art is by BechnoKid (uncredited on the article currently, but you can clearly see his art on deviantART). The Andrew Kaiko credit is clearly labeled on the piece of art, and the BechnoKid credit is courtesy of reading his username on deviantART. I see nothing “wrong” about the statement eerik made, he merely pointed out that /Film also posted humanized Finding Nemo characters, not that the same artist made both pieces.
Eh? The error was done by Peter Sciretta, who has extensively interviewed Andrew Stanton, at the /Film site. Read closer, it was a misspelling of Kaiko’s name.
Yeah, here is a further picture, the first encounter between M-O and Wall-E in ‘the real world’:
arkham-insanity.deviantart.com/a … -105197168
I was doing a search of Bechnokid’s work and one of the links is to this website, the FanArt subforum, specifically a thread around early Feb. there by little_chef_eva, where Mitch mentioned this guy and his work. Now I will tell you right now, each of their M-O’s look very similar. Both are short male kids with Axiom-style caps, no surprise there. The eyes are different, one has shades, the other doesn’t, little_chef uses baggy pants to accent the shortness of M-O, the brooms are different with Bechnokid using a roller which is like the brush that M-O uses. Both are professionally drawn, with only a color scheme missing in little_eva’s work, and I guess it’s that professional shine which makes them the most similar.
Lastly, some attempts at Wall-E fanart, which may be linked at the fanart site here too:
Hannahmation: LOL - if you look in the left-hand corner of the originally posted artwork, you’ll see BechnoKid’s signature.
DarkHand: I feel so honored that you think my rendering of M-O is comparable in detail to BechnoKid - who seems to be getting a lot of attention regarding humanized WALL•E characters around here. Not to say I don’t think they’re well-drawn or good interpretations, of course. That’s not the case at all.
I especially like his/her version of PR-T (see link in my art thread… for now, at least. I’m thinking about asking Mitch to take it down…).
little chef
Personally I find this a lot better than the one in the first post:
(Full size: schiffercake.deviantart.com/art/ … s-94599797 )
I gotta say, as much as I like manga style, the first drawing fits the characters way better. I think they’re better rendered and beautifully designed, whereas the last one takes way too many details on literal adaptation, making the designs less appealing. Nevertheless, that’s pretty darn good drawing.
I have seen so many human versions of these characters. Us artists/cartoonists on deviant Art or anywhere else love doing this. Also for Finding Nemo and Cars. But Wall-E human version characters are probably the most creative I’ve seen from many artists. It’s quite fun.
These are my versions of humanized Wall-E and Eve:
But trust me. I’ve seen designs way better than mine. Like the ones you all found. They have such cute styles! Especially that anime one I saw here…that one looks awesome!
I love the first one ! The man’s a Pro !
The first one’s pretty cool. I do like the style, although I think they captured AUTO’s personality best. EVE especially just looks a little too chipper. I like the manga style EVE in terms of getting her personality.
Yeah, I’m not a fan of these anthropomorphised Wall•e characters the internet seems influxed with but these aren’t bad.
EVE is the worst one there but they are still good. EVE looks a little too happy, so does Wall•e come to think of it, I don’t think those two would really smile to such a degree. EVE needs to look more bemused, and Wall•e more nervous.
The art quality is good though.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t bring up these interpetations by Emmy Cicierega here: binsybaby.livejournal.com/557020.html#cutid1

I love the first one ! The man’s a Pro !
*[url=http://www.bechnokid.deviantart.com]BechnoKid[/url] is female. Man, I’ve really grown to love some of the stuff she does…! If anyone ever gets a chance, check out her gallery. Most notably her “Loveless Empire” OCs.
[size=75]Like seriously, oh my gosh… it’s amazing… take my word for it…![/size]
Back on topic: I really can’t stand anime/manga versions of humanized anything; there’s way too much of it on the net, and it’s starting to drive me insane. I prefer humanized drawings of characters in which the artist’s real style shows through the work. That is most definitely the case with BechnoKid’s humanized bots from the movie (the main characters are only shown in the first posted picture. She has a whole montage of the bots from WALL•E drawn as well).
little chef
Is there another art style extensively found in comic books in Japan? Do they find our style of representing Remy and KungFuPanda to be specific to peoples of European descent and overused and boring too?
Take Wall-E and M-O from the BechnoKid drawing and Eve and Auto from the “manga-style” one, and you have quite an accurate representation of the Wall-E universe in human form, in my opinion (except, Auto’s supposed to be completely lifeless and without emotion).