If You Could Change One Thing...

I’m one of those people…but it’s for good reasons…

I see, I don’t blame you SOA. I happen to dislike critics too…I don’t hate them, just strongly dislike them at some times.


^ What?

I wasn’t trying to be disagreeable. I think they could be a very cute couple, and I think they do care for each other, I just dislike the way it was handled, similarly to Spirit. I personally get very annoyed with Sally in the first half of the movie. The whole High and Mighty and You Will do this attitude drive me crazy. He’s a big car, he can do what’s right if he wants to. I just…I don’t know. There’s something…like an icky feeling I get from them for part of the movie. The cruising “Life would be a Dream” sequence is really the only real relationship scene in the movie I enjoyed. I personally find the parent/son thing between Doc and Lightning and his friendship with Mater much nicer and more meaningful.

And personally, I think Flik and Atta have a nice relationship. This is another thing where she very annoys me and comes across as rude, annoying, and mildly self-righteous. But I do like them, especially their slow moving, long-awaited kiss, on the cheek. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for Collettte and Linguini…well, this is not a very great relationship. But I must admit I do find it cute. Sorry. :blush: :frowning:

But, like Spirit said, the “other Pixar Couples” refers to the more meaningful, in-love couples. Obviously we weren’t referring to Collette and Linguini(though I like them anyway).

Virginia, Spirit, & Carsluver: I think you guys are all fine. You’re all stating your reasons relating to this thread, and are things haven’t gotten out of hand… yet. Kidding, this is just opinionated conversation.

She’s not trying to be “high and mighty” about anything. If you broke something you need to fix it,it’s your responsibility…It’s only fair isn’t it? And plus it’s her job to do that. I mean sure she comes off as you-know-what’tchy,but I like that about her,and arn’t we all at some point. Actually I like that about both Lightning and Sally,and a lot of people mistake that for being “rude” but whaddya expect? Angels? They won’t do everything perfect like oh say,WALL-E and EVE,cause it’s just not happnin :stuck_out_tongue: . But they try…that’s why I like them because they’re realistic. Also that point SOA made…I don’t get it…

As a film critic for my university magazine, I understand how Spirit feels. I think critics have an important role in society, because they are the ‘gatekeepers’ of quality in everything from food restaurants, to movies, to TV shows, to books…

Face it, anytime we look at a one-sheet poster which lists critics’ accolades, or watch a TV spot (“Pete Hammond says Yada Yada Yada”), or read members of a forum like this one rave or rant about movies, or talk with our friends and families about a horrible TV show, or hear about a great restaurant from our friends, or rate and comment on deviantArt, Youtube, Fanfiction… we are partaking in criticism and critiques.

Anyone who expresses an opinion is a critic. The difference is the ones who are being paid for it have had extensive experience in their field of specialty and have gone through some form of formal education so they know what’s ‘good’ and what’s ‘bad’.

This doesn’t mean that we have to agree with what they say. Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB rarely agree with each other because it is often the voice of the professional critics vs the populist opinion. Sometimes, they agree, like when it comes to universally-loved films like Lord of the Rings or loathed such as ‘The Room’. Other times, it’s more fuzzy like Avatar or The Dark Knight or even Cars.

The important thing is that we should listen to critics, because they usually have some good points to say. But we can choose what we want to believe in and what we don’t. Simply shutting them out, or blindly following them, is dangerous.

The same goes for fans. It’s great to side with fans who share similar opinions with you, but it is often the ones who have a different understanding who are able to provide you with insights into weaknesses of your favourite film, or point out something funny or absurd which you never noticed before because you’re so enamoured with the film.

We all need to learn that truth is subjective, and that everyone’s opinions count.

Well, as someone who masters English better than I do, TDIT managed to make some of my points in a better way.

Thanks Spirit, you brought up some interesting points too.

I think Ratatouille summed up the dilemma of a critic perfectly. Anton Ego is not necessarily a villain per se, as rather more of a person who needed to learn humility and come to the realisation that we should give creators more credit than we think they deserve.

Exactly,and from what I see a lot of people fail to do that with Cars… :confused:

You’re failing to see the greater picture, CarsLuver.

Cars holds a solid 75% of positive reviews in Rotten Tomatoes. That’s a GREAT score.

So stop with that assumption that everyone hates Cars. In fact, you should love critics, as they usually hold Cars in a highest regard than common viewers. Compare a critic’s site with user’s forums like, say, Coming Soon or IMDB and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Yes, that’s 3 out of 4 people. That’s fantastic!

If it’s supposed to be positive why do people use it as a negitave?

We all use it as positive. You’re the one who uses it as negative.

Seriously, make a deep research in Rotten Tomatoes and you’ll understand that’s a great score.

It’s usually regular movie lovers who dislike Cars. Most critics hold it as the lowest Pixar film, but that’s good for Pixar, not bad for Cars. I think we(or some of us, I’m not talking about TDIT or Spirit or Kenzie) need to stop being so easily upset. There’s no upside to being really sensitive on as forum. The thing is, on a forum, there will never be a consensus on anything. That’s the point. I like Cars, and so does Spirit. He never said he didn’t. It’s not everyone’s favorite, but it’s not universally hated. Look at the Cars fans here. That should be hope for you. :slight_smile:

Anyway, on a more related note, if it were me, I would have put more plot weight on Lightning’s friendships. We don’t get a good feel for his standing with say Ramone or Sarge or Flo, we just see him doing each of them a favor.

Have you guys thought about the fact that maybe some Cars fans are sick of people complaining about every little single thing regarding Cars…Cars is not some of you guys’ favorite movie so you see it as being sensitive,but look at from the standpoint of a die-hard Cars fan…

and IVyou feel that most likely because you don’t like Sally very much…

I don’t dislike Sally. I just find her to be pretty pushy and nosey for parts of the movie.

Yes we have thought about that, it pretty much all you ever post, we get it already. And it doesn’t matter whether Cars is our favorite or not, its still a fantastic movie. You just have gotten it into your head that because there are many vocal people that dislike cars, then that means we all hate it. We don’t, and lots of other people don’t. It gets plenty of love.

Then why are you on a thread called “If you can change one thing”? If you don’t like hearing negative posts about your favorite film, then why are you on this thread?