If You Could Change One Thing...

You’re right,I should be past this…

Anyways I think one can relate more to flawed characters more…

Yeah, that is very true. I’m always attracted to the ones that I can relate with.

So you’re attracted to Lightning? LOL,I’m just kiddin… :stuck_out_tongue: 8D

:stuck_out_tongue: No, I am nothing like him!

I almost always prefer self centered, egotistical, inconsiderate jerks as characters. :open_mouth: Does this make a bad person? 8D

Nope! It makes you interested in character development maybe?

I guess that sounds right. I like big fat jerks who turn out like Woody(<3) and Lightning.

I love the jerks like Mike–they’re funny jerks in the beginning, but they end up developing and helping the hero out. :sunglasses:

I like characters like that cause there just like some humans…jerks… :stuck_out_tongue:

:-\ Yeah...big fat jerks...

…Let’s not start this kind of thing again please. :neutral_face:

Me too! :smiley:

I’m sorry…

It’s alright, just trying to stop it before it starts. So anymore thoughts on the topic? Hey how about this; if you could create your own character to add into anywhere in the story what would the character be like?

I’m not sure…

Come to think of it, neither am I really! 8D There seems to be a good deal of them already.

Yeah, there are… 8D

I would want my car in it! Not like a character of importance, just probably chillin in the background. And her name would be Kenzie. :sunglasses:

Another thing I would definitely change about Cars would be some moments in which the character’s motion looks, on purpose, too cartoonish, like when McQueen falls down in the curve and stays a moment in the air, ala Willy Coyote.

Really? I love that!

I don’t really dislike it, but it doesn’t feel really Pixar. Just like when Flik runs away from Atta in a hush.