If You Were A Monster...

Hmmm…good question…

grabs sketchbook and pencil then brainstorms

I would probably be like pale-colored with gray polka dots. And maybe have like 4 arms (I would like to have 'em for real, though, hehe), and have short, brown with yellow-tipped tentacles on my head for hair. And not to mention a tail. I must have a long stringy tail. And possibly pointed ears. Hehe…I should draw it out and post it sometime! :mrgreen:


I think I’d probably be pink (not very “monstery” but it’s my favorite color! XD)

and have a lot of fur! I’d have sharp teeth a big eyes with 2 faces! :laughing: hehehe!

Only having two arms is one of our own greatest physical shortcomings, in my opinion. Who hasn’t at some point, arrived at a closed door through which you must pass…while carrying an armload of stuff, be it groceries, books, whatever…and had absolutely no one to show up and open that door for you? Just imagine how useful it would be to have another set of arms to deal with stuff like that! Yeah, if I was a monster, regardless of how I looked(some people might say I’m gettin’ there now), I’d make sure I had that arm base covered, and a prehensile tail wouldn’t hurt, either.


hehe…true true…I just think it looks cool as well. Having only four limbs seems kinda boring…why not add a couple more arms or legs. 4 legs would be cool, but I don’t know if I could control a walk with that many legs. Hmm…maybe since I’m quite a lazy person at many points, I could just have a slug-like body. All I could do is slither around…or roll around… :stuck_out_tongue: Heh heh…

I think i would like to be some sort of smoke monster that can control the light in the room. That way i could manipulate light and shadows to scare the life out of the little children. And i’d never be caught because i could slink under the door in my smokey form within a matter of seconds.

And i got bored…So i drew a picture on paint!

It looked way better in my head :laughing:

I’d be purple, with 3 eyes and I’d have Randel’s power… being able to camaflouge with the public enviornment. I’d also have four arms… lol!

Just the four arms would make me happy, since I don’t know of anyone who couldn’t benefit from that. You don’t know how many times I’ve been in situations where I sure could have used an extra pair of limbs, or at least a prehensile tail!


I’d like to look like a werewolf. Favorite monster. Little dog ears, big snout, nice abs, bigs arms, huge hands with pitch black claws, and padded feet with those same claws. Bushy tail. And maybe red eyes. Nothing says monster more than red eyes.

Or perhaps some creature of the dark. Nothing but a silhouette with glowing, white eyes. Dragging you into the shadows until my world of fear surrounds the said victim like a tidal wave.

i would have 4 eyes,antennas,6 arms and legs and can run really fast

I’d like to be something like a Peryton. (mythological carnivorous flying deer.) That’s be so cool.

Hmm… probably something poofy and cute. Nothing ferocious or mean looking. Something like Sully. He’s cool!

:confused: Hmm, if I were a monster? Well, I’m not sure. I would like to be something kind of like what you see in some anime where they are human in appearance but have ears and a tail not like a cat but something around those lines but I would be covered in a little more fur, I think.

Probably something of a reptilian type appearance…

I mean honestly I’ve been compared to a snake in real life…and not in a bad way(thankfully, because snakes get a bad reputation from a lot of people) but just because I’m long and very thin and and could fit into places that a lot of other people couldn’t…like there was this pole in class that was really close to the wall in college and I was the only person who could fit through between it and the wall.

I just think I’d like to be a monster that represents the way I am as a human…so basically skinny and long and all that.

I’d like to be green in colour with a bit of yellow. Those are my fav colours. lol.

What’s funny is I already cosplay as a monster actually…not from Monsters Inc. though…but Envy from FMA who’s true form is that of a monster but I cosplay as his human form(he has the ability to change form and look however he wants).

Envy’s human form(and this shows my cosplay of it):


And this is his true form(as a monster):


So in a way I’ve already been a monster. XD lol.

maybe 3 hands and 6 eyes,long hair .here is some more info about it dotmmo.com/monsters-planet-9999.html

I would be the same type of monster as Randall since I like him, but I don’t know what that would exactly look like. I’m not sure what color I’d be. I know I would have hair and it would be brown, but I don’t know what style.

That’s tricky… but I think for sure I’d like to be taller, for starters (I’m kinda short, so that’s natural for me to want to be taller), so maybe I’d have legs like Lanky Schmidt. I’m torn between being a furry creature or more reptillian. But if I was reptillian I could replace my long hair with long headtails like Kit Fisto in the Star Wars movies :slight_smile: Maybe my eyes could be something like blue versions of Toothless’ eyes. Oh, and I’d like to be purple or blue! It’d probably be cool to add horns like Sulley’s or a gazelle’s… there are just too many possibilities!! Have to think about this in greater detail…

I would look like a cross between a sea monster and lizard!! :smiley: