Inappropriate scene in Cars?

I thought hearing a computer animated car saying “hillbilly hell” was one of the funniest things ever! The first time I heard it was a TV Guide preview on tv and I actually rolled off the couch laughing my head off. Ahh, good times :slight_smile: But no, a scene where Flo says “He likes my body” isnt anywhere in it. I appreciate the more adult humor that not only Cars has, but other movies as well. (Remember that in Ratatouille the line “Welcome to hell” is used) There’s nothing in any of them that I would deem inappropriate though, especially considering some of the other things kids are exposed to, on TV and in movies.

Oh yeah, I remember, Skinner does say that to Linguini, good point. Also, with some of the stuff in shows like Spongebob, Invader Zim, Flapjack, and some other shows, there’s a lot more questionable content, kind of like you said.

This kinda thing used to be part and parcel of kids and animated films. There are always jokes that are aimed at parents and kids, but have different meanings depending on your age.
I think the reason they stick out in Pixar films is because they don’t have to worry about having different things for different groups, their jokes are generally intelligent and funny for everyone at the same time
(does that make sense??)

Wait, it’s in Ratatouille also? Sadly, I’ve only seen it once back in 2007, so I wouldn’t have expected to remember it! XD

I don’t know if that was ever said in Cars. I’m not sure it’s like the only pixar movie that I haven’t seen a hundred times.

It doesn’t surprise or shock me much because in the Toy Story movies there are a few sexual references. Like when Buzz and Jessie first met. Jessie hopped on top of a hotwheels car and went down the ramp then jumped up to the doorknob and turned it. She did that trick as if it was nothing, much like Buzz would do it. Right as she finished her trick… Buzz stood there, mouth hung open and then his wings just popped out on their own. :wink: (I think that scene between Buzz and Jessie is the cutest scene in the whole movie btw. I want more in TS3. XDDD)

There is also one that I caught on the movie Aladdin. In this song there is a part in the song where there are some sexy looking girls dancing around Aladdin. If you pay close attention… there is one girl grinding on him a bit.

I like how they sneak things like that in Disney movies and in Pixar movies nowadays. It makes me enjoy the movie more because it shows that it’s not just for kids. Us big kids can enjoy it too. :smiley:

I used to flinch when those parts would come up in Cars, but now I’ve seen the movie so many times I just accept it.

Well, even if Flo did say, ‘He likes my body’, I don’t think that it’s that much of a big deal…I don’t remember her saying it, though. Anyway, Pixar have always snuck in a few mature jokes that tend to fly over kids’ heads, and as others have said, they certainly don’t do it as much as Dreamworks do. That’s one of the good things about Pixar films generally- the humour appeals to both adults and children. But yes, sometimes they like to make those mature references, and why not? And ad for the whole ‘Hillbilly hell’ thing, well, over here ‘hell’ isn’t really considered much of a swear word. That might just be a cultural difference, but I think I’d be much more shocked if Pixar included certain other words in their films. :laughing:

Oh yeah! And there’s this which could certainly be taken the wrong way.

Skinner: One can become too familiar with vegetables, you know!

Why hasn’t anyone said anything about the drug reference yet? In the beginning of the movie when the Rust-eze cars are bothering him about not having headlights.
Here’s the dialog.

Dusty Rust-eze: Thanks to you, Lightning, we had a banner year!
Rusty Rust-eze: I mean, we might even clear enough to buy you some headlights!
Dusty Rust-eze: Are you saying he doesn’t have headlights?
Rusty Rust-eze: That’s what I’m tellin’ ya - it’s just stickers!
Lightning McQueen: Well, you know, race cars don’t need headlights, because the track is always lit.
Dusty Rust-eze: Well, so is my brother, but he still needs headlights!

(Lit is used as slang for high)

That I didn’t know. A drug reference! I think I would have expected something like that out of Fillmore more. Dont’ ask why I think that! My brain is odd!

I didn’t really see Cars all the way though so I never really recalled. I didn’t see all of Ratitullie (i kno i spelled that wrong. forgive me) but I do remeber one character using the line “welcome to hell” and you’re right. It’s not that much of a curse word considering its usage in Rat and Cars. It depends on how its used in a sentence.

Like I said, didn’tr see the whole movie so don’t remember. WOW Pixar, all these inappropriate scenes I’m reading about, I’m surprised this movie wasn’t rated at least PG. But yeah, no tellin’ what kids young enough to watch Pixar’s other movies are exposed to these days.

Also no telling, what inappropriate stuff Cars 2 will show us.

Cars 2. What inappropriate stuff will be in there! Now THAT’S the question!

Y’know now after learning of the inappropriate content in the first Cars, I wont be at all surprised if the screenwriter drops in the word “s-e-x” in somebody’s line in C2.

If they do, I’ll be laughing my head off! I’ll be laughing even harder if Doc mentions it! :laughing: Don’t ask why. That’s just my twisted brain.

That would bring up so many questions. Then again, the same questions existed for the first cars but wasn’t at all referred to in the movie.

There better not be any of that junk in the script of Cars 2! But I don’t think they will. Pixar seems to not be the type that would reveal that much. I know about the hidden jokes and all in the other movies, but they aren’t horrible enough to scar everybody. Plus it got a G-rating! And as others have said, it NOT EVEN CLOSE to some of the things kids are shown now days. I think Cars is a very good movie on all points and perspectives and I would go see the sequel without having to think twice about it!


I never thought of those parts as inappropriate…a tiny bit questionable, maybe, but I still accepted it and I actually liked the humor. It didn’t go too far.

KarmaWolf: That reminds me. Anyone ever see this scene from The Great Mouse Detective? It’s rated G yet it includes drinking and implies, slightly, some adult themes…but they go right over little kids’ heads anyway. The same go for any other sublimal messages in Disney and/or Pixar. They’re quite ignorable. :wink:

Exactly. I mean when I went back and watched all these Disney movies and other things that I watched as a kid, there was often adult type humor if you know how to spot it. But nothing out-rightly bad. (I mean c’mon, Ariel gets married at 16!)

Cars, like all the Pixar movies, have a handful of jokes that only adults would really catch and find funny. Some not mentioned yet include the scene where Ramone shows Van his “von dutch” tattoo and Mini looks on in kind of terror. Obviously it’s some kind of genitals reference.

Or how about Mia and Tia “flashing” McQueen with their headlights and him kind of getting that perverted look on his face? He says something but I forgot what. Obviously meant to be a sexual reference as well.

Also, you’re friend might be thinking of the scene in the courthouse where Mater tells McQueen that Sally only likes him for his body.

I’m pretty sure filmore’s drinks are supposed to be a reference to some kind of drug, actually, because the cop mentions something about his “hippy juice”

and the part in toy story where mr potato head puts his lips against his bottom isnt very appropiate either lol