
What is it with people having a problem going to the movies alone!? I have a friend who says that he will have hit rock bottom, the day he goes to a movie alone. :unamused: But he see’s nothing wrong with going to a restaurant alone. That makes no sense to me. There are no tables for one in restaurants! There are only restaurants that have bars! But he doesn’t drink. I go to the movies alone all the time. It’s not like you can hold conversations during the whole movie (if you have respect for other paying customers). So I don’t see what’s the big deal.

I think it’s sort of the social norm that most people would treat going to the movies as a communal event. It’s like eating at a fancy restaurant, you’d rarely do it alone; while renting movies or watching it on cable is similar to eating fast-food or takeaway in that it is more acceptable as a solo activity.

I personally don’t see anything wrong with it- if after a few weeks, none of my friends are interested in seeing a movie I want to watch in cinemas, I just go see it by myself. If I had lost interest by then, I just wait for DVD. I did the ‘lone ranger act’ with Cars, Avatar, Up and Despicable Me, and I enjoyed the experience as much as I did if I had my chums with me.

But usually I’d ask my friends first. It’s just that having movie partners gives a better incentive to make the trip in the “we’re all in this together” fun sort of way, and some of my most memorable movie experiences (Wall-E, The Dark Knight, Happy Feet, Casino Royale, Toy Story 3, How to Train Your Dragon) were done with friends and family.

I thought I was the only one to notice this! Glad to see I wasn’t just hearing things. Sunshine is an underrated movie, with an amazing soundtrack. Although I love both tracks, I like ‘Time’ a little better.

Anyway, glad you finally got around to seeing it TDIT. So, what was your take on the ending?

[spoil]It was all a dream…[/spoil] :stuck_out_tongue:

Laugh out loud, I was just telling my movie buddy that it’s exactly that cliched ending you’d write for an elementary school essay. “[spoil]I was chased by the boogey man, and just when he was about to catch me, I woke up. It was all a dream…[/spoil]” 8D

No really, I think [spoil]he was in reality[/spoil]. From comments I’ve read online, [spoil]the children have aged (though I thought they looked the same to me), and the top skitters and falters, which doesn’t happen when he spins it in a dream (but the camera never holds on a ‘dream top’ for very long for us to see how long it continuously spins).[/spoil]

The article that love70ways posted awhile back also mentioned that if we were to believe that [spoil]characters cannot dream within their own dream, then it would be impossible for Cobb to be in one at the end, since he dreamed several times throughout the movie. Then again, Nolan could’ve just left the ‘dreamers’ behind in each level as a red herring, and it could be possible within the film’s universe but we just don’t know it.[/spoil]

But I’m an optimist. [spoil]He wins in the end.[/spoil] I want to believe he does, which ties in to the whole movie’s theme of taking a “leap of faith”.

I only heard ‘Surface of the Sun’ because it was in ‘The Adjustment Bureau’ trailer, but I am curious to see Sunshine. Personally I preferred ‘SotS’ more cos’ it’s longer and more ‘tear-jerking’. :slight_smile:

the newest creation from Christopher Nolan, a mind blowing film,


Dude, I haven’t seen this movie in a long time since it came out in theatres! I need to see it again!

it is already on home video, you should rewatch it again, I love this film !!!

I know, but I just don’t have the money to buy it. Trust me, if I did, I would! :slight_smile:

ask for your birthday,hehe, I am sure that more than one member of your family will love this film


Thanks for the suggestion. Here’s the funnything. My birthday is not for another four months exactly. And I’ve already asked for an Incredibles Blu-Ray. :unamused:

oh, that is true, Pixar is FIRST, after that is Nolan

Exactly!!! :wink:

I’m ashamed to say that I still haven’t seen this movie :frowning:

It’s quite a mind trip ellie-jessie-eve. Really an amazing movie. Have you tried renting or buying the DVD?

No I haven’t, but I plan to rent it sometime this month. I need to watch all the movies nominated for Best Picture this year, so far I’ve only seen three.

You’ll enjoy Inception! I just know you will.

This is where I am. I missed most of the major movies last year. :cry:

Oh, try to watch it IV. It is a mind-blower!

I plan to. It’s not that I’ve been avoiding it(quite the opposite). I just don’t have the money. :frowning:

Ah, I understand.