Is anyone else here madly in love with Colette?

I think she’s a goddess. Though I’m also in love with Ego too. BTW, I’m new and was wondering if anyone had any decent Ratatouille fanfics (outside of the one’s on would you mind giving me a link? :blush:

Oh, and to get an icon, do you just copy the image to your computer, and then…?

First of all, welcome to PIxar Planet. I hope you enjoy it here.

Second, I think Collete is sorat attractive. I like her, but not more than other characters.

Third, check out the Fan Fiction topic in the Fandom THread of Pixar Planet for some Ratatouille fanfics. I believe you will find what you are looking for there.

If you got the image on your computer, then upload it using the “Upload an avatar from your local machine” option. After uploading it, then press submit. Remember that the avatar rule state

“Only one image can be used at a time. It can be no greater than 100 pixels in width and 100 pixels in height. There is a file size limit of 40 KB.”

I think,that Ego befits for Colett more than Lihguiny!!!I love this couple…

She reminded me of a waitress that served me whilst I was in Paris a few weeks ago and I couldn’t help but stare as they just looked so similar!!

I’m so happy I’m not the only one who finds Ego attractive! :laughing:

Definitely not the only one that finds Ego attractive- tall, slim, and intelligent- how can you go wrong with a guy like Ego? :laughing:

He reminds me of O’Toole himself. I wonder if he was as attractive as O’Toole when he was young… <3

Oh,yes :laughing: <3 …Very handsome guy…

I loved the character of Colette…she’s such a strong, independent woman, trying to stand storng in a man’s world. Plus, she’s pretty, but not “barbie pretty” as Bird said. She pretty inside and out, and a great chef.

Ego on the other hand, makes me laugh. When he walks, it looks like he’s gliding, like a reaper of something. They’re both great characters.

OMG me too!! Ego is sooo awesome and hot!

Yes I am. She’s very hot. Even more than Mirage.

Gold, I never thought I’d hear that about Ego… <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/youwhaaa.gif” alt=“o_0;;” title="You

Whaaa…" />


And uh, I basically AM Colette. Right down to the physical appearance. It’s weird. She’s like an animated version of myself. I had that same bob haircut since 2 yrs before the movie came out. and uh, she’s got just my attitude and the effect she has on people = me. So my fanfictions are very in character. mostly centered on her.

Actually I’ve read you’re Colette fics. I’m MindyCH as well. :whip: :-D) :sunglasses:

not really. She’s nice but not in a love result.


“OMG me too!! Ego is sooo awesome and hot!”

That is freaky.
This is like the third person who actually LOVE the guy.
(i don’t think that was the responce pixar expected)

oh! Hi! teehee.

To Colette Linguini: I’v read your fics too! Loved the Tonyloaf and Colette’s diary one. I’m Midnightmoon14, on I wrote the “Almost Human” Ratatouille story. :smiley:

Nice to see other Ratatouille writers! MindyCH, I liked your Ego fics. :smiley:


O,yeah,cute and gloomy very handsome guy…

I aslo think Ego is cool, but in his personality not in his pyhsic…