Is this girl Riley from Inside Out?

I have no idea what is going on, but I’ve been completely unable to access any wikia site (including Pixar’s!).

While I was doing an internet search on Pixar, this image was returned as one of the results:

That’s about all I know, since I can’t access the page to find out more about this file.

I’m specifically looking for information on Riley, since they’ve said a lot about her emotions, but nothing about the girl herself.

I’m hoping this picture is Riley.
But if it is, they’ve given her a appearance makeover.
One of the few bits of information I have seen said she “was a blonde with a black headband”.
Which is why I need more info, since this image doesn’t look like the description I have.
Admittedly, that info is very out of date. But as I said above, finding info about Riley is hard.

?? :open_mouth: That looks like a model from a decade-old CG cartoon, not Pixar! I hope not. That’s a weird design. I pictured Riley as a redhead (or brunette), so that description is sort of odd—I wonder where it came from…

When I was finally able to access the page in question, I did work out this image is a fake.
And to add extra suspicion, the person who added the picture has had their account banned from the wikia.
That’s a very bad sign right there.

The description I gave (as far as I know) is the official Pixar one, so until they release some official concept art, that’s what Riley looks like.

But is it likely that Riley’s appearance may change during the production process?
I’m not sure if that has ever happened in a CGI film.

The only precedent I know of if Elsa from Frozen.
In the original concept art, she had black hair, but at some point during the production process, her hair was changed to white.

casually breaks hiatus to post one time because I utterly love this movie even when it’s not out yet heh

Yeah, that render is definitely not her. Pixar’s style is much, much different and much more polished. And character designs definitely change during production! Just look through any animation “art of-” book. You have to draw and/or render a character a lot of times before you finally perfect the design, and even then it might not be exactly how you envisioned it. At least, that’s how it is for me.

Since the original poster’s link is broken, and that the problem has been solved… a while ago, I’m going to be locking up this thread.

Thanks for clearing up the confusion everyone :slight_smile:

  • Lauren, thewisecookiesheet