Jack Jack Attack

What does everyone think

about this short film?

I think it’s

one of my favorite DVD exlusives! :smiley: I loved the music in the background when Jack Jack blows up!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Gosh, I haven’t seen it in so

long! But yeah, I remember just how funny Jack Jack was in using his powers. :laughing:

This was by far my most

favorite short of all the pixar shorts. You all should know why. It is so funny, and Jack-Jack is really cute.

The music and humor in this was wonderful too.

oh yeah! Jack-Jack attack is my fav short film! :slight_smile:


My favorite moment

is when Kari has Jack Jack in tongs. She goes to the bathroom, and is about to put him into the toilet to put him

out, but chooses the bathtub instead! LOL! :laughing:

Bill - LOL! And the funny (or serious) thing is, that’s just about RULE NUMBER 1 in

babysitting: Never have a unattended, filled up, bathtub in the house. Period.

P.S. Why didn’t we have a

topic on this short before?


We did, but after it got dead for a while and PV had to remove it until someone started it up again.

This has to be one of my favorite short features of all time – just hilarious! Heh –

I can relate to Kari’s pain. :stuck_out_tongue:

The whole thing where she almost plops Jack-Jack in the toilet had me

rolling around on the floor laughing… :laughing:

Mitch- That was great!!! And she had that look on her face like " Eh, no…" and she decides on the

bathtub instead!!! (laugh) :laughing: :smiley:

Bill I know – it was hilarious! (snigger)

I’ve gotta hand it to Kari in

that she sure wasn’t lying when she claimed she could handle whatever Jack-Jack dished out. Even when the little

rascal flamed up like a fire-ball she didn’t panic as much as I thought she would. :stuck_out_tongue:

The toliet part almost

made me cringe, but dumping Jack-Jack in a full bathtub? Isn’t that a little dangerous for a baby? But it was

pretty funny. I enjoyed him displaying his powers thoughout the entire short.

I do enjoy this one. It’s amusing, plus I love the music

that plays when Jack Jack lights himself on fire :slight_smile:

Thank Mozart for the music, and Brad Bird’s incredible sense of timing and direction. Everything fell into

place just as it was supposed to.

Mozart!? Really!?

And I call myself a classical music geek…


Well, if you remember what Kari said about Mozart and


“Mozart makes babies smarter!”

(bangs head)


I am not sure what Mozart song was playing in the background and the credits. If anyone could

give me the song title, much appreciated.

Wait a minute – If this had

something to do with Brad Bird, maybe it was Michael Giacchono?

(Or however you spell it!)

What are you

talking about? The music was by Mozart and Bird did the short. I am confused with what you are asking.