Jackman & Craig - Can You Hear Us Now?

I was considering posting this under ‘Dumpster of Mild Amusement’, but this is so epic and news-worthy it warrants its own thread.

Basically, the two biggest movie stars in the world tell those errant handphone-ringers in theatres what we’ve wanted to say to them for a long time. :slight_smile:

Can You Hear Us Now

News.com.au article

Hasn’t that guy heard of the ‘Vibrate’ option? Got what was coming to him.

Play looks interesting too, two Chicago cops share their life stories in an empty room.
“Denny took it hard.” 8D

Wolverine and Bond, you’re the heroes to silent ringer sufferers everywhere.

Good on 'em, I say! Those people that leave their phones on, like at my most recent Up viewing where someone’s phone rang twice, ought to be named and shamed (in the words of Today Tonight). And is Hugh Jackman not one of the nicest guys in Hollywood?

Isn’t it just common sense to turn your mobile phone off, on silent, or on vibrate (if you are expecting an emergency phone call) when preparing to watch a theatre show or movie, or even a quiet place such as the library?! Would it kill you if you aren’t contactable, or can’t check your messages for a couple of hours out of your precious week? Yeah, that’s one of my pet peeves. :confused:

Yeah, I totally agree, particularly with plays, as the actor can sometimes get snapped ‘out of the moment’ when a mobile rings. The fact that the duo can remain in character and break the fourth wall by addressing the guy at the same time proves their awesomeness. :slight_smile:

Hm… they should have those pre-screening PSAs with Up characters… I can see Kevin gulping an annoying phone-talker’s mobile down and coughing it out again.

Totally, for playing such bad-*sses on screen, he’s actually a nice bloke in real-life. Though he shoulda whipped out his Wolverine claws out for that incident (I mean, that guy’s phone rang twice!).

As you can tell, I’m not a fan of inconsiderate theatre patrons. :slight_smile:

Haha, I like your idea for the Kevin sketch TDIT, that’d crack me up! XD

Yeah, what’s worse is when people will literally sit there in the theater, have their phone ring full blast, then sit there and TALK ON IT ALOUD while sitting less than 10 feet from you. I almost punched a woman during Partly Cloudy because of that, it’s so incredibly rude! She did it, not once, but TWICE.

I am an actor, as most of you know. And luckily, no phones have gone off when I perform. I don’t know what I would do if a phone rang in the middle of the show, but I would most certainly be ticked off.

But that was hilarious of Jackman and Craig though.

I must admit, I give full kudos to Jackman and Craig for not having a complete furious breakdown (Ala Batman…but then he always was a more intense hero than wolverine :laughing:)

It never looks good when you see an actor start shouting and getting angry, so the manner they conducted themselves in was very admirable. It’s the very definition of professional!

As for the audience member with the phone…have they not heard of a silent ringtone? Put it on vibrate and no one gets irate!