JSWeC's non-Pixar graphics

All right. I’ve decided to make a thread for my non-Pixar sigs and avatars.

I don’t have that many, but feel free to use one. Just remember to ask me first or credit me.



(I’m actually using this one as a wallpaper)

Good idea for posting these! My favorite is the Shego (is that her name?) avatar.

Pajama Sam in Thunder and Lightning Aren’t So Frightening! Yessssssss.

I’m so glad you like them! Thanks for the comments!

ellie-jessie-eve: Yes, her name is Shego. She’s pretty awesome for a bad guy.

queen_of_painting: Wow! Another Pajama Sam fan! I love that series so much.

Just made two new signatures. Since I’ve been on a bit of a Clone Wars kick, I’ve been trying to come up with some great ideas for some graphics to celebrate this awesome show.

Wow! It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated this thread…

I’ve come up with some new avatars, all of them my own artwork.

Hope you guys like! Feel free to use some of these new avatars. :smiley:

And also a new signature!

These all look amazing! :smiley: I love how the backgrounds on all of them are different.

I’m glad you love 'em. Got to make some more soon.

Great stuff, JSWeC! :smiley: I love the style of your little characters there. And yeah, Clone Wars! High-five! :-D)

Here’s my latest siggy:

Just an alternate logo for a story I’m working on. I do plan to make some siggys of the series I based it on, however. :wink:

I just realized there’s some non-Pixar sigs I haven’t uploaded yet! And now they’ve just arrived!


That last one is from a Carmen Sandiego game show.


This one was re-sized

These are characters I made up for a series titled Justice! Excellence! Defense! Intelligence!

Enjoy! :smiley:

This thread hasn’t really gotten that much attention as my Pixar graphics thread, it seems. However, hope you guys enjoy some Avatar graphics I made, some not previously worn on here. Hope they make you guys laugh. Some of these may be my own Avatar in-jokes, however, so don’t feel bad if you don’t understand some of them. You could still laugh if you find them funny.


You have some great stuff here, JSWeC! I am particuarly fond of the Clone Wars ones, of course (love the “No Tacos” one!), and I found myself giggling at those new Avatar ones of yours! The “Random In-Joke” one is probably my fave… that expression! Ha ha! I’m going to have to take some time to watch the show when I get the chance! Great job as usual!

omg Princess of Aquafina I’m cracking up.

They’re all so good, and well-made! :slight_smile:

OWP: I love the “No Tacos” one too! And the “Random In-Joke” sig is also one I thought of just out of the blue. I don’t know; I just felt it went well with Aang’s face XD. I will admit, however, that little_chef_eva09’s random and humorous siggies have been quite an inspiration to me, not to say I’m copying her or anything like that, but rather I’ve improved from studying the effects and tools used to warp, re-color, and add other special touches. And even though I don’t really use my Photoshop Elements Program, I’ve been able to do techniques on Corel Paint Shop Pro that are very similar to Photoshop; it’s all about experimenting with a variety of tools.

And if you want to watch Avatar… you can do so if you have Netflix or if you’ve got the Nicktoons channel on Digital cable. If not, you might have to look on YouTube or purchase the seasons yourself; they’re much cheaper on iTunes that at the store.

e-j-e: I like that one too. It’s actually one of my in-jokes, because in a parody of Avatar I wrote, I named the Water Tribes after bottled water brands; the Southern Tribe is called “Dasani”, and the Northern Tribe is “Aquafina”, and since Yue is of the Northern Tribe, that’s why she’s the “Princess of Aquafina”. :smiley:

Leirin: Thank you very much! I’m glad that you appreciate the work I put into each and every one of these siggies.

I like those Avatar ones! I think my favorites are the Princess of Aquafina one and the one with Aang that says “insert in-joke here”

lennonluvr9: Glad you like them; those two seem to be popular on this thread. I actually wore the “Princess of Aquafina” sig a while back on here. :laughing:

This morning, I remembered that I had also made some Avatar avvies! I totally forgot that I was going to post them along with the siggies. Good thing I remembered!

And now, here’s the newest shipment of avvies for consumer satisfaction:

One thing I would like to point out is that I do not believe hugging pictures necessarily mean “shipping”. It really depends on the context. This is one of the many things that annoys me about some fans; no offense to any Avatar fans on here if they prefer a specific ship. Most of the hugging pictures here are friendship hugs (Zuko and Aang, Zuko and Toph, Zuko and Katara, Azula and Ty Lee). Just please don’t think I support any ships because of icons I make, just saying (though I am leaning a bit towards Zuko x Toph, just because it’s cute).

Other than that, please feel free to enjoy these new avatars. I’m thinking of using one of the Suki avvies sometime myself…