Just saw WALL-E! (obviously spoilers)

Oh right, Netbug009 bak on topic…

So, who else thinks WALL-E is AWESOME? :laughing:

I’m pretty sure everone here. :laughing:

Now that’s what I’m talking about! :smiley:

I’ll get us on topic…

Who knows the degree of awesomeness for WALL-E?

Well, didn’t he actually die?! :confused: I mean that’s what I thought. At the time, WALL-E’s solar panel indicator wasn’t just gone red or black, but the words ‘Solar Charge Level’ and the sun symbol on the panel were also disappeared. Moreover, he looked very still when EVE carried him or tried to fix him. I thought EVE revived him, [spoil]changing his spoilt motherboard, so the electricity could flow through him again, before his memory’s gone. Then, yeah, whatever the story is…[/spoil]