Kel Bel's Art =]

I’m very sorry to hear what your going through, my prayers are with you and your family. I know I’m new here,but these are some good people on this forum and I’m sure there is always someone to lend an ear :slight_smile:

Hang in there :wink:

Hey there Kel-I. I am sorry that you are going through such a time like this in your life. My prayers go out to you and your family. Remember, when ever you need someone to talk to, you got us.

thanks so much guys =']

Same here. I’ll pray for you. Get well soon, and hope you’re feeling better, physically and emotionally. :wink:

thanks so much =]

I’ve been looking through all yer graphics and I really like them! Especially the WALL-E and Nemo ones. (and I did find the E-mo one kind of amusing mainly because it was a play on words to me)

ah yes, thank you, it was meant to be a play on words :slight_smile:

Kel Bel - Your graphics are most impressive, I must say, especially the avatars.

Great job. Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

– Mitch

She goes as Kel-I now Mitch. :wink:

The Star Swordsman - Whoops! Silly me. Sorry about that…

Thank you for correcting me! :wink:

– Mitch

No problem! :smiley:

thanks Mitch! and thanks TSS 8D y’all can just call me Keli if that’s easier :slight_smile:

Very well then Keli! :wink:

Hey, are things getting better for you, Kel-l…or Keli?

I’m sorry to hear about what you’re going through, Keli, and I hope things get better for you soon.

sighs not really :frowning:

We’re all here for you, Keli.

You’re most welcome. :wink:

– Mitch

thanks eratosthenes :slight_smile:

Well, don’t give up on hope, keli! You have us, and you should also talk to your friends that you see in person. When my best friend went through a similar situation, we got people to pray for them, and people at our church even offered money to help their family. I sure hope you get similar help.