Life Sized Monsters Inc Replicas

I have a set myself. I have been keeping Mikey in my den as he is small enough to fit on display, but Sulley has stayed in my basement. These are HUGE, Sulley is so large with the tail that you really need a large space to display him.
We have taken them each year for display at out local elementary school each Halloween. They have a large party and we allow the kids to get their picture with them. We have a hat along with a clip board they pose with. On average, we have about 250 pictures taken each year with them. You can get an idea of just how large these are with my daughter pictured below:

Mikey is in my den which has a very distinctive Pixar theme to it. :slight_smile:

That is really cool. I have been so busy moving into my house and getting ready for my first baby that I havenā€™t been on the boards. Tripoli, do you have any suggestions for caring for them? I would like to possibly remove them from the bases at some point but I donā€™t have any idea how to do that. Also, your Sully looks like he stands really well. Mine seems to lean forward a bit. Are you doing anything special to keep him balanced? Have you ever taken them apart?

Cool, what if they got destroyed?

The base for my Sulley was too damaged to use. I have set him up without it. When doing the Halloween pics, I use a white board to ti[p him back a bit, you can see it in the picture posted above.
Little kids want to always punch Mikey in the eye for some reason. Many of the Toys R Us sets were broken because of this. When we take them out, we are careful to not let the kids touch the eye. It is somewhat fragile and can break with a decent hit or pressure placed to it.

Wow those are insanely awesome wish I had a pair.

No Randall one? :frowning: I guess that doesnā€™t surprise me.

Wait what? I totally want a set of these. I didnā€™t realize us ā€œregular folksā€ could acquire them!

Amazing, I wish I could have those in my room, if theyā€™d fit. Can you still get them anywhere. Just in case any of you want to see, hereā€™s some more photos supposedly taken at a Science Centre in Singapore.

Those are great, Iā€™d definitely love to have one.

I wonder if they ever made a Randall one.

They should have done, it would have been cool to.

Are you sure thatā€™s at Pixar studios?

The sign says ā€œ20 years of animationā€. Thatā€™s the name of an exhibet thatā€™s been traveling around for some years around the globe. But when I saw the exhibition in Oakland, those statues werenā€™t there.

I double-checked and it turns out I was wrong. It was actually at some Science Centre in Singapore. Iā€™ll edit my original post.

In the meantime, hereā€™s another photo.


Not sure, but nice to know someone else who has them. Welcome to the forums by the way.

Anyone who has these have any tips on how to remove them from the bases? I need to repaint them and would also like to customize Sully so he can be taken apart easier.

Wow! I had no idea there were multiples of these! Thats awesome that some of you were able to get them! I dont think Iā€™d have the room for them.

Iā€™d love to have Mike in my room. Wouldnā€™t know what to do with Sulley though. Maybe heā€™d fit in my garage.

:laughing: Yeah, the Sully one is ginormous.

Ginormous and gorgeous. I really like these replicas. Theyā€™re very accurately created and you wouldnā€™t know how much Iā€™d pay to have some of my own. I donā€™t know where Sulley would go due to his size, but Iā€™d have Mike in my room.