Lightning vs Francesco

Which word do you think best describes them? Froes? Frenemies? Frivals? or Friends?


Probably frenemies. They seemed like they weren’t just enemies by the end of the movie, but I don’t think they’re friends either.

On a related note: Lightning is faster than Francesco and would have won all three races if not for all the complications.

I would have to say frenemies as well. We never got any indications that they were enemies or friends.

hard to pick. Either frenemies or frivals. Probably frivals if you ask me. Enemy is a strong word, more makes me think of McQueen and Chick (seeing how Chick is more of a dirty racer) whereas Francesco is more of a challenge rather than someone he highly dislikes.

I’ll have to go with MC on this one. I say frivals, also. They weren’t ever enemies; I mean- it’s not like they hate each other. It’s just competition. I like to think that they became friends, eventually. They seemed courtly to each other at the end of the movie but you know, still the competition. :wink:

I love how you call me ‘MC’. :stuck_out_tongue: Makes me think of MC Hammer and I just wanna say “Stop! Hammer time!” 8D Back on topic though, I think it would be cool if they became friends but somehow I doubt it.

I have a feeling a big reason is Sally

^Read my mind, eh? :sunglasses: That was pretty much why I would say they didn’t become friends. That, and they are just very different.

Yeah,I’m sure Lightning would’ve had a little more of a positive additude towards him if he didn’t have that additude of his
the whole “Sally situation” made it worse though
lol 8D :stuck_out_tongue:

Hahaha, I got lazy and didn’t want to type out MissCarrera. :unamused: It made me think of MC Hammer also so I thought it was too cool to not use. :sunglasses:

Really, you guys think so? I thought Lightning introducing Sally to Francesco kind of mended that out some. I don’t think Lightning’s really insecure about it- I think he just thinks “Yeah, she’s got some fangirl crush on him :unamused: but I know she likes these fenders. :wink:”.

I don’t think they’re that different- did anyone else get the vibe that Francesco was a kind of- sort of flashback of the ‘old’ Lightning McQueen? In the sense of "I AM THE BEST. EVERYTHING IS ABOUT ME. :sunglasses: "

Who knows? Maybe Lightning taught Francesco how to ‘slow down’.

I totally agree with you lightning was very selfish and cocky even more than francesco you can see that kind of selfish when mcqueen jumps the big accident made by chick in the piston cup and he didn’t care about the other racers he only wanted to win the race, but he has a big heart and he started to change while he was in radiator springs. That’s the reason why he helped the king in his accident on the race in california.
francesco is cocky but not that kind of selfish, you can see in the big crash between the racers in Italy francesco was worried about it, also lightning. so yeah lightning should taught him how to ‘slow down’.
I think they are friends, you can see clearly in the end of the movie while they are racing in radiator springs was a friendly competition, they enjoy that moment. :smiley:

This is true! I remember that part, I actually find it surprising how Francesco was worried for the other racers. From what we saw of his character till that point, I wouldn’t have expected it. But yeah, Lightning was much worse than Francesco. Francesco just loves himself too much. 8D

Again, true, and a good reference for showing that they probably became friends! :slight_smile:

I don’t know if they actually became friends or not. I mean, we really didn’t get any indications if they put their differences aside or kept it going.

Yeah, I can’t say that the became friends, but I think they are on a lot more comfortable ground now. Who knows though?

I think judged on the end of the movie, they became friends. Just my opinion.

That is true. Although the film never really told us whether they were friends or not.