There’s also a way you can animate directly in Photoshop, but apparently according to a PS “mentor” of mine, I have to have a certain program installed in order to do that… and I checked to see if I had it, and I don’t think I do.
Even if I did, I can’t even begin to imagine what kind of work and time it would take to draw that many frames to a 3 minute long song… 
Anyhow, I appreciate the suggestions!
Thanks for throwing your ideas out there!
If I can pull myself together, I can start work on my next fanvid… I think I found a copy of the old file here on my mom’s laptop, which I didn’t even think existed, so I’m going to see how much I saved on it. It might save me a ton of work on the timing at the beginning if there’s actually a decent amount saved on it!
I really wanna get this show on the road, but I’ve been so consumed with trying to get better at drawing and attempting to break writer’s block (again, grrrr!!!
). My YouTube channel looks pretty hopeless right now with only one uploaded vid…
little chef
Can’t wait to see that new video. 
Hey, I found your WALL-E music video to Like a Star while listening to Britt Nicole music on youtube, it’s amazing! 
I was thinking of my WALL-E MV this morning… and it’s so odd that you just happened to mention it yesterday! Thank you - it’s my first MV but I still love it a lot. 
little chef
Whoa look at all the dust on this thread.
Yeah I haven’t updated in a while because I really haven’t had anything else for you guys to watch for… oh wow, it’s been over 2 years now? D’:
When I got my iMac, I immediately started re-assembling one of the WALL-E MVs I started way back when. I had one started, but my old computer was too slow to handle it. Then, I made a new one from scratch on my mom’s computer, which crashed. THEN, I re-created it once again on her laptop, only to abandon it for over a year. I got the iMac, and started from scratch working on it all over again.
I also put off working on it for another year. Just yesterday, I got re-inspired to finish it, and now I only have :52 seconds left of the song to add clips to.
I’m sure no one even remembers the first video I made (link is on the first page), but I promise that this video is going to be so much better than that one. I’m trying to tell the story of Psyche OS X with it, as best as I can; or at least enough that you’ll sense the story’s undertones with the song and the arrangement of the film clips. 
Not sure when I’ll be done this, exactly, but I hope it’ll be soon. Stay tuned. 
EDIT: It’s finished! 
What I’ve Done - a WALL-E MV
little chef
Saw it! It was wonderful!
I noticed your comment on YouTube, and I’m so happy you liked it! I feel bad it took me this long to finally put it out. 
little chef
Awesome videos GIRL!! I posted comments on both videos.

Wow, thank you so much!
I don’t check YouTube that often anymore but I’ll have to log in to read what you posted there. 
little chef
Your welcome. You are one of my favourite members on Pixar Planet. 
I just saw your Like a Star video, and I love it so much I nearly exploded within about two seconds of the video! That song is perfect for WALL-E! And I just love Britt Nicole! I had no idea that she’d done a song so perfect for something like this! You did what is one of the best videos I’ve ever seen! I’ve wanted to make a WALL-E music video for a while with a Jonas Brothers song, either Lovebug or Fly With Me, but I maybe I’ll do something different. You’ve inspired me Little_Chef! I love this so very much… now I need to start thinking up some fanvids…
Oh gosh, what a sweet compliment! Thank you so much! ;u; <3
Isn’t that song the most perfect thing? haha. the minute I heard it for the first time, I immediately thought of WALL-E and EVE!
I still like to say I think Britt Nicole wrote it specifically for WALL-E, because the imagery she uses in her lyrics match the movie so much. 
Fanvids are fun! You should definitely try making one. I have one I meant to finish like two years ago, but they’re really time-consuming if you want to do them right and make them look perfect. The vid I did for Like a Star went through a few revisions, and the other one I did to What I’ve Done actually had to be done from scratch three or four times. But it’s worth it in the end!
Thanks a bunch, again!
little chef
Hey guys, I’m here to wake up a very sleepy board! 
I’m working on a brand new WALL-E MV! I started it a few days ago and have made a ton of progress on it. This is the fastest I’ve ever put together a video, so I’m pretty excited. However, the file I’m working with is kinda awful (I found that out in full when I uploaded my last MV to YouTube), so I downloaded a new one and will have to go back and replace all the clips I’ve put in so far - just about 2:00 worth, to be exact! D:
I will probably have it finished quite soon despite that fact, so keep your eyes open. If you want, you can listen to the song I’ll be using in the meantime - Speed of Love by Owl City! 
Catch you guys later! I’m super excited to show this one to you!
little chef
Awesome! Can’t wait to see it! 
Awesome!!! I loooove that Owl City song!! X3 I will be looking forward to it as soon as it arrives!
Oh. My. Goodness. You have blown my mind again, little_chef!
This video is astonishing; the editing is perfect, the cutting is exquisite… something I haven’t yet mastered in my own fanvids, and the song fits WALL-E wonderfully! More so than I would’ve ever thought! And the way you tell the entire story of WALL-E through the video is just too awesome! I love this video to pieces… great job again! And now this already fantastic song will always remind me of WALL-E 
Just watched it too! Again, awesome work! 
oh man thank you both so much! Both of your comments (including JSWeC’s on YouTube) warmed my lil heart. ;u; I’m flattered. So super happy you enjoyed this video! Thank you both again!!
little chef