Live Action Version of The Incredibles

Read this article. itexplains and describes the differences and similarities between two families of Super heroes.


Now i have to say, despite my bias of TI, I really do like this show. It’s very similar, and I think Pixar did it better, but I found it enjoyable to watch.


I pretty much took one look at it and could identify all the parallels. I was wrong on the powers and personalities of the kids, but I was spot-on with everything else. The dad seems to have a little TOO much in common with Mr. I. Still, it looks like a good series. I might check it out if our TV decides to work.

I won’t watch this. I only watch TV in October-December for the specials, and this show isn’t worth it. :unamused: Really? This looks very unimpressive to me…

It’s a good show. Granted, every TV review I have read says that the Incredibles is better than this show, but it’s still enjoyable to watch.


I totally agree with this. :smiley:

Hmm… I should check this out. Interesting that it’s by ABC, an affiliate of Disney.

Yeah, when I saw that, i was thinking… “hmmm, intresting…” :unamused:

The other day I guilted myself into watching an episode of it. And of course, the fat dad was none other than The Thing from the FF movies. :angry: Cheesy story about their parent’s anniversary(hate the mom thus far), annoying kids, and I just didn’t enjoy it. I really tried, and even used the cable to watch it(I don’t like TV, only movies)!!! The dad was the only tolerable character. And of course, his best friend is a black guy(no racism, just a similarity) attached to him at the hip. :frowning: Not cool. :angry: Yeah, like I’d hoped against, I’m not interested. At all.

Might check this out.

At your own risk. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a good show. Call me crazy, but I enjoy watching over GLEE.